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cello77 04-08-2007 08:14 PM

Japanese Citizenship
Does anyone know if it is possible to have a US citizenship and a Japanese citizenship at the same time? My mother was born in Japan but I was born in the US?


wildcat 04-08-2007 08:18 PM

Generally, you are not allowed to have two citizenships in Japan; however, some people do that without reporting the Japanese government..but I am not sure how it works....

I want to know about it, too!!!

SgtBeavis 04-08-2007 11:41 PM

Neither the US or Japanese governments recognize dual citizenship for adults. However Japan recognizes it for minors.

My wife had to give up her Japanese passport after becoming a US citizen.

Nyororin 04-09-2007 05:26 AM

The US does indeed recognize dual citizenship.

Japan does not. As soon as someone is considered old enough to make an educated adult decision, they are required to give up Japanese citizenship in favor of another country`s, or give up all others in favor of Japanese. It isn`t considered dual or multiple citizenship for a child - they`re just not considered old enough to make that decision on their own. In those sort of matters, it is up to the individual. A child can`t yet make that choice, so they are sort of excused for the time being.

jasonbvr 04-10-2007 01:07 AM

What about this, in Cello's situation I have the impression that she is an American born Japanese. How does the process of obtaining citzenship differ for her case from that of someone of non-Japanese heritage? Does she still have to have lived in Japan for five to ten years?

The reason I ask is that I know for Koreans born outside of Korea, the process for obtaining a work visa is made much easier and I believe that they have a special set of rules for them to obtain permanent residency or citzenship.

I am not really interested in the specifics, but just wondered if anyone had some general knowledge they could share.

johannes 11-20-2008 02:59 PM

As far as I know, the US allows multiple citizenship if aquired by birth. But I'm not sure about that for I'm not an American.

The Japanese citizenship law requires you to abandon either the Japanese or the foreign nationality between the age of 20 and 22. But if you don't come up with the issue yourself probably nothing will happen as they don't search or even punish those. Did your mother apply to keep your Japanese citizenship when you were born?
In any case people with Japanese ancestors up to the 3. generation get a state of permanent residency.
Recently the LDP (Government Party) came up with a proposal to allow dual citizienship if aquired by birth (jus sanguinis). But the current proposal requires you to have lived at least 365 days in Japan until the age of 22 to limit dual citizenship for those with limited connection to Japan. Further information can be found here:
LDP panel mulls easing law on dual citizenship | The Japan Times Online

Hope I could help

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