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deathvalleygirl 03-04-2008 07:39 PM

thats alwsome.youll make alot of friends here.

NemuruNeko 03-04-2008 07:41 PM

sure, i'll be your friend.
sooooo add me. :]

deathvalleygirl 03-04-2008 07:44 PM

cool i will and the same for you.so how long when you been in the formu?:ywave:

NemuruNeko 03-04-2008 07:45 PM

well, im not really sure, but i know it wasnt soo long.
i havent been on much, but it seems i will be on more often now. :]

deathvalleygirl 03-04-2008 07:47 PM

cool so what do you do for fun

NemuruNeko 03-04-2008 07:49 PM

well, i hang out with my friends or i just speak random things to them, when im alone, i just draw, read manga, watch anime, or study japanese. oh! sometimes i just sleep. then again im not sure if its fun, but that's what i do. xD

deathvalleygirl 03-04-2008 07:51 PM

:mtongue: that was funny.i do some of those things too.im guess im just an anime freak.lol

NemuruNeko 03-04-2008 07:57 PM

ah, a lot of people are. :]
i was one last year when i was in 8th grade.
it's just that now, im still into anime, but not as much as i was.

deathvalleygirl 03-04-2008 07:59 PM

oh.so what kind of music do you listen too?whos your favorite band?

NemuruNeko 03-04-2008 08:01 PM

mmm, well anything thats like rock, heavy metal, things like that y'know? except for rap, hip hop, country, and r&b.
my favorite band i'd have to say would be Dir en Grey. :]

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