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TyreaL 09-14-2009 08:04 PM

'Twas noontide of summer,
And mid-time of night;
And stars, in their orbits,
Shone pale, thro' the light
Of the brighter, cold moon,
'Mid planets her slaves,
Herself in the Heavens,
Her beam on the waves.
I gazed awhile
On her cold smile;
Too cold- too cold for me-
There pass'd, as a shroud,
A fleecy cloud,
And I turned away to thee,
Proud Evening Star,
In thy glory afar,
And dearer thy beam shall be;
For joy to my heart
Is the proud part
Thou bearest in Heaven at night,
And more I admire
Thy distant fire,
Than that colder, lowly light.

By edgar Allan

Just Smile

sakari09 09-14-2009 10:16 PM

“bridal ballad” by Edgar Allen Poe

The ring is on my hand,
And the wreath is on my brow;
Satins and jewels grand
Are all in my command,
And I am happy now.

And my lord is loves me well;
But, when first he breathed his vow,
I felt my bosom swell--
For the words rand as a knell,
And the voice seemed his who fell
In the battle down the dell,
And who is happy now.

But he spoke to re-assure me,
And he kissed my pallid brow,
While a reverie came o’er me,
And to the churchyard bore me,
And I sighed to him before me,
(thinking him dead D’Elormie).
“Oh, I am happy now!”

And thus the words were spoken;
And this the plighted vow;
And, through my faith be broken,
And, through my heart be broken,
Here is a ring as token
That I am happy now!

Would god I could awaken!
For a dream I now not how,
And my soul is sorely shaken
Lest an evil step be taken, -
Lest the dead who is forsaken
May not be happy now.

(*one of my very fav poets!)

JustinATTACK 09-15-2009 01:25 AM

She was like a hurricane,Spinning in circles,
continuous motion begging to tear everything she touched apart.
I just happened to be in her line of sight at the time.
I could see from the first glance she was a disaster waiting to happen.
But I was drawn to her all the same.
There was something beautiful in the destruction I saw in her eyes.
She came in, winds high, false smiles all around.
it was slow at first, as these things usually are.
A head wind here, a easterly there.
Small tastes of the calamity to come.

And then she struck me with full force.

She was class five, top notch destruction.
You couldn't get action like this in a movie.
There were tears, and insane laughter,
that would make millions evacuate,
But still I braved the storm. Praying I could live through this.
What stupidity that truly was.

She passed, after what seemed like an eternity,
Claiming everything I had to offer,
Leaving it scattered and Untraceable.
I was but a disorganized mess that she decided left behind,
No longer worth her time.

Sadly as I look at the disorder she left in her wake,
I can't help but feel there is something enticingly beautiful,
about the destruction I saw in her eyes.

An Original poem By Justin Hammerly.(<<ME!!)

TyreaL 09-15-2009 08:58 PM

When you laugh out loud, you release negative energy. Tensions, stiffness, and bottled up reservations seem to take flight. No wonder humor is the best medicine. Let us keep stress at bay with a dose of good humor.

By Simran Khurana

VampireGirl1314 09-17-2009 02:19 PM

Black shadows lurk around the corner
annoy me in my dreams
take away any good energy
why did it have to be me
the one to be beaten
the one to be messed with
and frightened
where did i go wrong?
or maybe it wasn't me who went wrong,
but my parents
how did i end up turning out the way i am
turning out to be a child frightened and sad
movies don't scare
but the house does
why am i frightened
why am i in hiding
why cant i fight this
and think of it as being just a movie?

Look into my eyes
i know they are full of sadness and all your lies
where has the gateway to heaven gone
the love and happiness everyone knows
where did this hate come from
where will it go
i'm sure no one really knows
i always had to live in this world
and i know i cant always run away from my fears
the world is my fear
but i cant run away
because the world will forever haunt me
as i run i always think
never thought i would end up seeing something
someone death in front of me
something i never want to see.

patzmaru 09-18-2009 03:17 AM

the sun closed her eyes,
the sun make the moon cry,
but now they fighting each other,
for who's going to tell the lie.

every morning i look up in my window,
and talk to my friend the sun,
he tell me story of fairies,
that came from his world in the night.

but for some reason today he's not here,
for some reason i can't find the sunshine smile of the sun,
and when its time to the part-time job from the moon,
she don't tell me nothing about him.

oh my friend sun ,
what the hell its going on!,
i can't find the way to find you,
i can't live without your stories.

i was crying and the moon sadly said me :
"sorry my darling, i can't tell you nothing. But i can help you reading some stories that i made for my childrens".

i open my eyes, and my face have a smile,
and take my pillow and start to hear.

she said:
"it was a day when one of the stars dies,
it was the day when i went to bed,
every sister and brother that he had,
it was crying for him.

i got 10000000 billions of child's,
and every time die one,
but i reached my head up,
and start to pray.

my husband the sun tell me
from the fairies that they can make wishes come true.
he told me that he can bring one who can bring my son backs.

The next day he brought it,
and I asked without thinking
if it could be revived
my beloved son who had died.

with a bit of my tears,
she did her magic
and then disappeared
without any trace.

I never get my son,
nothing ever happened,
and when I come again night
I saw a miracle.

the stars were shining,
with the light of my dear husband,
and when they died,
they were fell from heaven to earth.

then I realized
that was the most beautiful thing in the world,
because people ask for their miracles,
Like I was asking mine from the fairy.

This Poem its mine. sorry for my grammatical but i much better in spanish :p

ichinikki 09-20-2009 06:20 PM

happy moment the second week of college
I come to tutoring.
I had moved my notebook to a new book bag
that was easier to ride on a bike with.
I arrive at tutoring.
This bag does not have the fifty pens I usually keep in it.
I look again
a stray pen
I love myself

VampireGirl1314 09-24-2009 09:31 AM

Lucky to have a guy like you.

sitting on the sidewalk waiting for you
never thought something bad could come to
glass beer bottles being thrown down
crashing against the sidewalk
one almost hitting me
little girls screaming
get out of the way
i jump up and run away
call the police that never come
but when im done
you show up
my heart beating fast
my whole body shaking
you looked worried
and i started crying
you took me in your embrace trying to calm me
after i told you everything
you made sure i was okay
i was so lucky you came
i was so lucky to have met you
just so lucky we have been together
and nothing has made us separate
not even for a day
no more getting sick
no more feeling upset
my jealousy fading
and my heart restoring with your love
you always saying hi to me with a hug
making sure i'm okay
asking if i want anything
planing what we will do the next day
everything is so perfect with you
i just hope we can be together like this forever
with nothing bad happening.

VampireGirl1314 10-08-2009 12:17 PM

love is something special,
something you cant always find.
you might not understand why,
but in the end you will find out what went wrong,
and know what to do.
get the love of your life.
have fun and be happy.
wouldn't that be sweet?
you don't find love, love finds you.
you don't look for it, it just happens

Aether 10-08-2009 01:06 PM

I'll post a few as I find them.

To try so hard
To do everything right
To find the answers
To every question in life
To search for an unknown
To find who we are
To look beyond tomorrow
To keep the past in sight
To face hardships
To stand up when we fall
To take second chances
To go for it all
To learn from mistakes
To be a better person
To live a better life
To smile when we cry
To live when we should die
To help everyone we know
To be happy forever
To know it may not be possible
To try even so

This is one I did for a creative writing class in high school. Each line has one more syllable than the last.

Fill the
Echoing noise
Through the silence of air.
Drip by drip, they trickle forth
Filling the emptiness, the void.
Reflections of tomorrow are heard.
Then we wake to find the sounds are still there.


Another random poem I found.

Hark! Twilight calls,
Forth from the Nether
The siren sings
A forlorn melody

Puppet master of the world
Strings of fate in hand
Shadows pulled to dance
To the rhythm of a whisper
The figures speak by steps of their feet
Zealous and eager, moving without thought
Effect after effect; no cause in reason
Draws the strings taut to the point of breaking
A step too far, for to gain is to lose
When a fool's victory is all that is won

An end begun, the deed is done
We all plummet from the sun
Light succumbs
Darkness prevails
Minds closed to what forethought entails


A Tune

One wakes to the sound of a tune
Beat by beat it presses onward
Step by step they move forward
Time relinquishes its grasp on the world
As all stands still if just for a moment
The rhythm continues as well as fate
As all good things meet their demise
To take hold unwilling to what once was
Unable to grasp what is unable to be seen
Stuck in a mindless dream
To awake to the life that the world brings



The snow that falls from the sad winter sky
Is a reminder that we all come to die
In the spring the life will be reborn
And the cycle repeats in a promise sworn
How can the summer justify a coming end
We all remain in bliss in the ignorance we lend
The end, the downfall, the Fall has come
Just to touch the snow as we all fall numb

Where is the hope in those who have passed
To only live in memories which we wish to forever last
A smile, a face, the sound of a gentle voice
They all fade in time without even a choice
How can we bear living in a gift called life alone
Surrounded by lonely faces always unknown

In life eternal there is no meaning
For a life is a chance given only once, dreaming
Wake never more for once we do
We will never remain, as once we knew

Snow falls from the eyes of the sky
Dreaming of warmth, some can only cry
White forever, embers so light
Living life, the only fight


Here's the last one I will put up for now. Maybe some more later.

Flames of tomorrow
Remind us of today
The present never present
In the minds of yesterday

A step taken forward
Forces us to look back
On all that has happened
And all that we lack

An eternity gazing beyond
Only to stare before us
Unable to understand
That life has no compass

Emptiness creates a void
The flames create a glow
With new found strength
We look beyond tomorrow

We slowly close our eyes
To calmly open our mind
Images of the impossible
Give sight to the blind

Visions of the future
Form in time long ago
To understand that today
Is just tomorrow's shadow

For there to be darkness
There must be a light
One that inspires us
And one that gives us sight

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