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-   -   September Short Story Competition (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/member-art-creativity/18872-september-short-story-competition.html)

Altaru 09-06-2008 03:57 AM

September Short Story Competition
You know, I've been thinking about doing this for a while, and I've finally decided to just go ahead. I'm quite bored right now and I want something fun to read...

This month, I'm going to start up a Short Story competition, and, if it gains any popularity at all, I'll consider carrying it on into next month, and so on.

An SSC basically involves the choosing of a topic for the month (normally it would be by the last months winner, but in this case I'll just come up with one), then writers post stories that relate to the topic by the deadline, then I'll open a poll thread so that the people may vote to determine the winner.

This months deadline is the 26th, that gives everyone a fair amount of time to come up with a story, and about four days of voting time. I think that's fair.

The rules are simple. Keep it within reasonable PG-13 limits, follow the basic rules of JF, don't copy other peoples works (duh...), be creative, try to stick as close to the topic as possible, and just overall do your best. Oh, and NO BASHING. PERIOD. I don't care if it sucks (not that I'm saying anyone's story's gonna suck), just don't say anything.

I know there's gotta be some creative people out there, so let's see you all jump in and make some of these competitions AWESOME.

I think the theme this month should be... I'm gonna go with


The End Of The World.
It just seems appropriate, what with that big event that might happen on the tenth. Oh well. Anyways... You may begin thinking... NOW!

((Oh, BTW, if someone wants to do this with a Poetry competition, the position is open. I don't like poetry very much, lol :mtongue: )

BakaCrisis 09-06-2008 04:05 AM

Do we submit our stories here?

CarleyGee 09-06-2008 04:10 AM

What event is supposed to happen on ther 10th?

Altaru 09-06-2008 04:16 AM

Yes, submit your stories here so that all may see them.

Thank you, I forgot to mention this...

Begin all story posts with the words "Short Story Entry," followed by an empty line and a line of asterisks (these thingys: *)

This is more for my convenience so I can pick out the stories from any other clutter that may appear.


Short Story Entry


Also, from the point when you post your story to the deadline, you may post only ONE story, but you may edit, fine tune, and perfect your story as much as you want until the deadline arrives.

Basically, you have until I open the voting thread to do all you want to your story, including completely rewriting it, but you may have only one story post.

As for the tenth, read this thread: http://www.japanforum.com/forum/gene...end-world.html

BakaCrisis 09-06-2008 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by CarleyGee (Post 577210)
What event is supposed to happen on ther 10th?

LHC, Google it ;_;

zoneoni 09-08-2008 12:48 PM

Time vortexes will eat us all

What do we win for the competition?

Altaru 09-08-2008 11:33 PM

Bragging rights, lol...

I guess I could make a little signature thing or something to give to the winner.

Other than that, mostly just the ability to come up with the next months theme.

Come on people, I know there's gotta be some creative minds out there that can write a decent story...

BTW, I'm only staying out of this one since this is the first. From next month on, I'll be writing my own stories for these.

zoneoni 09-09-2008 01:04 PM

Hum...bragging rights hum.....Now the question is should I post it now or a minute before the deadline.

Who are the judges?

Eiri 09-09-2008 10:33 PM

yeah who's going to judge which stories end up on the poll and which dont?

Altaru 09-10-2008 12:40 AM

Just to clarify, about the theme, just write about the "end of the world." It doesn't have to have anything to do with the LHC or anything like that, just End of the World.

As for which stories get put up, all of them. The judges for who wins are the people.

But ALL the stories are going to be put in the poll, and if I get too many for a poll, I'll just have people post their votes.

That help?

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