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-   -   I'm only 18 but I'm already worrying about parenting... Will I be a good mother? (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/parenting-japan/18126-im-only-18-but-im-already-worrying-about-parenting-will-i-good-mother.html)

Jaydelart 08-11-2008 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 559049)

Originally Posted by Paul11
All parents make mistakes, even when they love thier children more than life itself. It's still about survival. How do you measure success? You put all your eggs in one basket and trust in God.

Silly Paul, In God we trust only that he will send us too hell for disbelieving in him. In BUDDHA, however, we "should" entrust our successes too him. x]

At least, yuujirou, it is an expression.

I realize you're only poking fun...
But, whether you believe in God or not is partially irrelevant to the concept that is being expressed.

EveV 08-11-2008 12:48 AM

Children are pretty interesting little things.
I think the best way to take care of your child is to not forget about being one.

1.When your kid falls off their bike.
As long as their not dying don't rush over and comfort them, walk over calmly help them up and say " lol you're okay"

2.Don't give them to much juice, juice is like crack for toddlers and it completely ruins their teeth.
Make them get addicted to healthy stuff like fruit, veggies and water.

3.Don't hit your kid to hard.
Time outs and loud voices do the job just fine.
I know as toddlers they'll need an occasionally pat on the butt.
But don't keep hitting them like that after they turn seven.
It could lead to a violent resentful adult.

4.Stay calm.
Even when the world is ending just stay calm around them.

5.Between 12-14 they'll go through a horrible phase.
They'll hate you.
But the best way to turn that over is to talk with them about your life experiences.
be their best friend.
let them know you're there.
My dad made me so comfortable about talking about serious stuff with him that I wasn't even afraid to talk about how horrible that first sexual experiences that he warned me about was.

6.Let them go.
You learn from experiences.
Let them experience.

7.Rap and rock is not going to ruin their heads. -_-

8.Let them be themselves.
Not your doll.

9.Teach them about hygiene and keeping clean at an early age.

10.School is always first. Show them what education is about. Make them used to getting good grades.

11. Don't spoil. They can't get that cell phone until they up them grades and help around the house for a month.

You'll fuck up along the way. Every parent does.
But in the end if you really did try. If you showed them the world.
Taught them peace. Gave them experience. Allowed them to be themselves.
Showed unconditional understanding and love while still being stern
Everything.. well be alright.
Good luck.

sweety 08-11-2008 12:51 AM

If you want to be a good mom you need to live your life first. How do you know that in 10-20 years from now you will still have anything in common with your boyfriend? Take these years to enjoy your youth. I know you think that you are grown but you still have alot of growing to do.

Koir 08-11-2008 12:52 AM

You sound like you'll be a wonderful mother, EveV :)

EveV 08-11-2008 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Koir (Post 559200)
You sound like you'll be a wonderful mother, EveV :)

I am a wonderful mother.

To my cats. <<

Mika13 08-11-2008 01:01 AM

You'll know what to do when the time comes. I'm 23, and I plan on raising my kids on the same stuff I grew up on. I'm not gonna be all bung-ho about everything, but I will empose rules and make sure they follow them. The trick is to be someone they know still has the power, but to also be someone they can come to for help. If your really ready, then you'll know what to do.

Koir 08-11-2008 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by EveV (Post 559206)
I am a wonderful mother.

To my cats. <<



joker8880231 08-11-2008 01:35 AM

If I were you I wouldnt worry about having kids for a few more years.

rina26 08-11-2008 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by joker8880231 (Post 559229)
If I were you I wouldnt worry about having kids for a few more years.

IMO if she's so worried about being murdered by her own kids, she shouldn't worry about having kids ever.

Paul11 08-11-2008 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 559049)
Silly Paul, In God we trust only that he will send us too hell for disbelieving in him. In BUDDHA, however, we "should" entrust our successes too him. x]

God here is used loosely. I didn't specify a denomination. choose any meaning that satisfies the noun of the sentance.:)

I'm already old and raising one, so some of this stuff sounds pretty silly. You just try to instill your ethics, morals and take it as it comes.

But the young man who said he doesn't want to be too old before having children has a point. I'm 37 and my daughter is almost four. If I had done this earlier I might have more energy to chase her around.

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