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mercedesjin 06-30-2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by bELyVIS (Post 740333)
I agree, it is taught. How else would someone use something as insignificant as skin color to judge anyone?
Oh, and I think you have used an amazing amount of restraint on your comments with mercedesjin. If you aren't with her, you are against her.

Racism is taught, but the need to oppress others isn't. I feel that oppressing others is a human quality - almost primitive - because of human's basic desire of survival. Oppressing others, in a way, ensures one's survival for as one pushes another down, the oppressor will be guaranteed safety and survival - economically, class-wise, etc. The need to oppress others can be observed even in children from a young age. Elementary school bullies, for example.

Racism is just a tool of oppression, and in THAT way racism is human nature. Racism is taught for the purpose of oppression, which is human nature.

Barone1551 06-30-2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 740301)
There is always a reason. Physical attraction is a psychological thing. Even if it's as simple as "society conditioned me to think that blonde hair and blue eyes are beautiful," there will ALWAYS be a reason. Then, you can start to think and analyze WHY society would want someone to think that blonde hair and blue eyes are beautiful. You don't hear about it often because people don't usually think about these things, and don't LIKE to think about these things because they delve deeper into the subconscious. Why do you think no one has answered my question, "Why do you like Asians?" No one will answer because they don't want to think about it.

It's the same with finding certain people unattractive. I can think of an example of this right now. I have a friend that thinks ALL white men are ugly. She would NEVER be attracted to a white man. When asked why, she said that she believes white men aren't good at sex. It's a stereotype.

I can think of a reason why some people aren't attracted to Asians, based on what I've heard people say. People have said that Asian men have small - well, you know - and because of that, they wouldn't want to have sex with Asian men. I've heard people say that Asian women don't have big enough breasts, and so they aren't attracted to Asian women. These are stereotypes also. But, hey, let's think about it even further: why would these people want bigger penises and bigger breasts? I think one reason is because society has taught us that men are more masculine if they have bigger penises, and women are more feminine if they have bigger breasts. Perhaps those people are looking for masculine men and feminine women.

I'm not going to get into the argument of whether saying one race is ugly is racist or not.

So your basically saying that any and all attraction is based on stereotyping. You cant find someone attractive based on looks alone, it all has to do with how you think this person is?

and on two side notes: there was a time in another thread when you brought up the fact that the color of you skin or skin tone has nothing to do with you as a person. This is very true, it doesnt. You went on this whole speech of saying "does the color of my skin make make me any less of a mother" and so on and so forth. Once again no it does not. But in this same thread you called a women ugly, now by your standards, What made that women any less of a mother or a person. Nothing. You are a pretty big hypocrite.

And on the other side not: since you did say in another thread that you thought it was racist to not be attracted to a certain skin tone, I want to ask you this:

Would you label people who are not attraced to the same sex or are not bisexual as sexist? So if I were to say I am not attracted to the same sex as me, would you then label me as sexist? This seems to follow your same pattern of thinking.

burkhartdesu 06-30-2009 08:46 PM

... There's more to this...

You're only ignoring him because the points he's making completely invalidate your own. You're neglecting his comments because you can't address the holes in your ideas.

As I will demonstrate:


Racism is also human nature. To oppress others is also human nature. Stereotyping stems from both.

I don't think racism is human nature. If that were so interracial adoptions would never work because the baby would have racist feelings against her parents and vice versa. Racism is something that is taught.

bELyVIS 06-30-2009 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 740340)
Racism is taught, but the need to oppress others isn't. I feel that oppressing others is a human quality - almost primitive - because of human's basic desire of survival. Oppressing others, in a way, ensures one's survival for as one pushes another down, the oppressor will be guaranteed safety and survival - economically, class-wise, etc. The need to oppress others can be observed even in children from a young age. Elementary school bullies, for example.

Racism is just a tool of oppression, and in THAT way racism is human nature. Racism is taught for the purpose of oppression, which is human nature.

So is this why you are oppressing MMM's opinion? Just a question. I thought you didn't want to acknowledge him. By answering my post you are asking him to clarify his answers again.

MMM 06-30-2009 08:49 PM

Survival is human nature, but I think it is harder to argue that oppression is. As in the animal world, I think humans found early on that community, the opposite of oppression, is a better path to survival than oppression. Wolves that hunt in packs learned their survival rate was higher if they worked together rather then as individuals. The same is true in everything from fish to monkeys to prehistoric man.

Of course oppression happens, and racism can be a big part of it, but I don't think it is instinctual.

mercedesjin 06-30-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by bELyVIS (Post 740338)
I'd answer you but your question isn't to me. Quit posting things about his posts ad I'm sure he'll quit posting to clarify his position.

Er? What have I posted that's been about him? What have I done to lure him to me, to follow me, to annoy me? From the beginning of this thread, I'm pretty sure that I was speaking to other people. (Because believe me, he knows that I don't like him. I told him so. It's common sense that, in order to prevent an argument, you SHOULD NOT talk to the person that doesn't like you.)

I ignored him outright until someone... burkheartdesu or something?... made a comment about me ignoring him, and THAT is when I acknowledged MMM's posts on this thread. THAT is when I acknowledged that I don't like him. NOW, when you've addressed me on the issue, is when I've acknowledged him. Other than that, I'm pretty sure that he's had no need to "clarify his position" based on anything I've said to him - because I HAVEN'T said anything to him. So I'm actually a little confused by what you've said.

bELyVIS 06-30-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 740345)
So I'm actually a little confused by what you've said.

Don't worry. I'm sure you'll figure it out. You have it all figured out anyway.

mercedesjin 06-30-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by mercedesjin (Post 740345)
Er? What have I posted that's been about him? What have I done to lure him to me, to follow me, to annoy me? From the beginning of this thread, I'm pretty sure that I was speaking to other people. (Because believe me, he knows that I don't like him. I told him so. It's common sense that, in order to prevent an argument, you SHOULD NOT talk to the person that doesn't like you.)

I ignored him outright until someone... burkheartdesu or something?... made a comment about me ignoring him, and THAT is when I acknowledged MMM's posts on this thread. THAT is when I acknowledged that I don't like him. NOW, when you've addressed me on the issue, is when I've acknowledged him. Other than that, I'm pretty sure that he's had no need to "clarify his position" based on anything I've said to him - because I HAVEN'T said anything to him. So I'm actually a little confused by what you've said.

EDIT: "Oppressing his opinion?" Please clarify. I'm not sure what you mean by that. And, actually, I'm speaking to YOU. You said that you agreed that racism is taught, didn't you? It's an interesting concept, and I'd love to discuss it - with anyone but him. I was hoping for some kind of response rather than more petty words, attempting to provoke an argument - but I guess that's not going to happen.

I mean, really... Are you going to say that you don't have ANY thoughts on the issue? And what about the questions I posed to you earlier? If you don't find them interesting, then that's fine - but I'm just curious... did you see the questions?

burkhartdesu 06-30-2009 08:54 PM


I ignored him outright until someone... burkheartdesu or something?
Ok I'm sorry to go off topic, mercedesjin, but on several threads you pull the whole ".... or something" bit.

That's terribly pretentious.

mercedesjin 06-30-2009 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by burkhartdesu (Post 740349)
Ok I'm sorry to go off topic, mercedesjin, but on several threads you pull the whole ".... or something" bit.

That's terribly pretentious.

I'm pretentious because I don't have your username memorized? o_O;;

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