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Novah (Offline)
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05-19-2007, 09:14 PM

Greetings. Think you handle english pretty well though. Better than I did when I was a beginner. An advice that worked very well for me: play online games in english (works perfectly if you like games). And as others already have said; watch english movies without subtitles or with english subs and easy books ofcourse (could be a book that you have read in japanse before, then its easier to understand in english). Can try teach you some too if you would like, could even teach some swedish too if you would have interest in that Im online pretty much so just give a hint or add my msn And welcome to JF

Enjoy every second, every minute of life, it will never come back again.

They say that self-defence is no offence, until the law starts with their lies
They'll send you down for protecting your own, already guilty in their lying eyes
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