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Nyororin (Offline)
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05-25-2007, 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by Xlll View Post
Now now, I never implied that there isn't any work involved, but yes, you need to work hard if you are doing something of the sort. For those of you who have a hard time believing me about obtaining a bachelor's degree in just three years or less, I would like to say first-hand it's highly possible. Like I said before, depending on the college you attend varies, both in criteria and educational background. Not all colleges follow the same guidelines and agenda. For example, you can obtain a bachelor's degree in three years or less at DeVry's University. If you still don't believe, check out the website personally.
It is highly possible if you take intensive summer courses - which not all universities offer. Otherwise, it`s generally pretty difficult with homework later on.
I managed to get my degree (Majored in Linguistics, minor in Child Development - thesis was on second language acquisition.) in 3 years. I crammed every prerequisite I could manage into the first year, and tested out of as many as I could. I don`t think I actually studied anything related to my degree in the first year.

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