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12-14-2006, 04:40 PM

I`ll try to answer your questions.

Originally Posted by Ksim4000 View Post
As I stated in the other thread, I don't have any fancy, high formal qualifications, just a few English Level thingies, nothing to talk about. How would I start by getting to Japan? Would saving up be a good start? What about jobs and staying with someone, is it cheap to rent a small apartment (flat) out over there? And what kind of jobs could I be looking at?
Regarding where to start... That is really up to you. Obviously, saving money enough to get here would definitely be a start. I would suggest you look into the "working holiday" visa that is likely available to you.
Without decent Japanese skills, or some other special skill, your main option for jobs would be English teaching. As for apartments, it is possible to find very inexpensive ones - but I imagine it is MUCH harder to do so in Tokyo. In this area, if you look around you can find decent one rooms (with shower, toilet, and small kitchen) for around 30,000 yen a month.

Also, what about this Working Visa for the UK? What would it entail? And last but not least, what's the health care like in Japan? I do suffer to some extent mildly with my health, so I might need access to a decent clinic. Do you have to pay in Japan or do they have a national health system like in the UK?
You most likely would not qualify for a regular working visa - but may for a "working holiday" visa. Here is the info on it. I`m not from a country with that visa scheme, so I don`t know any of the details. I`m not entirely certain how the health care would be with that visa, but Japan does have a national health care system - I am fairly sure that if you register and pay your fees that you will receive coverage. The fees are generally based upon your prior income, so would not be too high in the beginning.

Thanks. I appreciate your posting. I'll be honest, it is nice to find someone that's gone from not these language or university programmes, student exchanges and the like but instead, has made it their own way.
Thank you. I hope that you are able to figure out what the best path is in your case. Feel free to PM me anytime.
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