Thread: Please help me!
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NickVelvet (Offline)
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12-07-2007, 07:15 PM

Lets see I started drawing when I was 5 or 6, so ive been drawing off and on for.....I dare not say. Actually I ended up going on to study photograhy, so thats my gig.

I like Kanji's idea for the tree, but as he said it must be done right. You dont want it too busy to distract from the main subject, but you want just enough to in a sense give it some framing. I am more of the straight fowrad "in your face" type when it comes to photographs. I am still likeing your first one though.

Since im a photog I will use one as an example. This was actually taken by one of my daughters friends, who I have been helping out. She has used the trees/bushes on the side to help fill in the negative space, yet it doesnt distract from the main subject. It creates a nice framing that keeps the eye from wandering off. The lens flare on the upper right would alot of times be a no-no, but in this case it works well to give the upper corner a bit of framing. Experiment with different things to find what you like best. The nice thing about art is that its subjective. No two people look at it the same way.

Good look and hope to see some more of your work.
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