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prekabreki (Offline)
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01-05-2008, 02:07 PM

He's a childhood friend of mine, he's had well an unfortunate life I guess.
He looks at me like I know everything about everything and a guide to everything.
I can convince him to do just about anything
(no no, it's a good thing, not unhealthy at all)
So it's up to me what we do there, I agree three months is a long time but there are some personal reasons why it's either a week or three months...

Man I just don't know what to do!
I mean, when we get off that plane...take the rail down to Tokyo? Walk around for a bit?...Go into an izakaya and get some foodstuffs?...

I'm going to be there for three months! With heaps of cash! With a burning passion for all things Japanese that lie in my blood!

(Maybe I should start a new thread for this?... )

Well anyways...

(I like food)
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