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EveV (Offline)
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03-18-2008, 04:52 PM

Building an army that was good enough to protect the country would take time.
Even if the U.S were to pull out they'd have to stay there for some time to make sure Japan was completely ready for them to leave.

Also. These factors completely slipped my mind but they're very important.
Fighting and Korea dominating has ceased because the U.S is breathing down their backs.

Originally Posted by dannavy85 View Post
If the United States pulled out of Japan....

1. North Korea would attack South Korea.

2. China could effectively blockade Japan into submission.

Japan is a key strategic point in the Pacific rim in order to keep the North Pacific stable. The Japanese understand the seriousness of their position, if they didn't they wouldn't have allowed the USS Washington to be based in Yokosuka.

"The sky is cryin...
Can't you see the tears roll down the street?"
- Stevie Ray Vaughan