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TalnSG (Offline)
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06-04-2008, 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by Asakura View Post
I'm a guy, now I'm not into doing Loli myself. But I recently thought I wanted to try dressing in a old-fasioned way. Not like a pirate or anything but more like a gentlemen. Pocketwatches, vest, white button down shirt, brown pants. You get the picture . How could I do that?

I mean like instead of victorian lolita like victorian gentleman
The one piece you left out was an hat. Victorian men did not go out into the street bare headed by choice. You need either a classic bowler (derby) or top hat. Good ones are not cheap, but they last forever and feel better whe you wear them for any length of time. Though if you wanted to do more of a laborer's genre of victorian you could get by with a cap. A boater only works if you are wearing "yachting clothes" (white pants!) and they are not comfortable on the head at all. (Yes, I have all 4 of these styles in my closet. )

Here's one of many places who sell these. I recommend the brown bowler, unless you want to go more formal with the top hat.
Victorian Mens Hats
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