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loveskyliemole (Offline)
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aligato! Nathan - 06-05-2008, 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
"That's great" could be one response.

Or you could go straight into the conversation from that point.

can you give me some easy way to go into the conversation?

I mean,

after that how are you thing,

so... how is your XXX? (school, work,new part-time job)?
how was your weekend,holidays,party...?

if I don't know much about the person yet,
I sometimes have NO idea what to say to start the conversation.
Usually the person I was talking to, he/she would start saying or asking me something, but some people don't have a good questions to ask me, because
we don't know much about each other, then we have some awkward moment.

I was told that talking about the weather is the best way to
start the conversation, but I don't want to sound boring.

mmm communication in a foreing language is not easy!
(but interesting)

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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