Thread: Harajuku?!
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(#36 (permalink))
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Asakura (Offline)
Training like Ryu.......
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Location: San Antonio
06-16-2008, 02:23 AM

I'm just getting into doing the Harajuku, Visual Kei type thing myself. I have to say Meeting and seeing people on this site helped me expand my mind to reach a much wider veiw of things.

I haven't gone out in public or done much with Visual Kei but when I started to really look at the style and how it works and how you do it. It facinates me, the level of expressions and things you can say with that style. If you're really into it, your paticular look will be different from anyone elses. You might be lumped together with similarities but when you really get down to those that really like the style for the right reasons you find that it moves and changes with them. And that kind of freedom is amazing, and is something I don't think should be taken lightly.

Ubi concordia, ibi victoria
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