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godwine (Offline)
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06-17-2008, 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by Haggis View Post
Recently I've thought the games industry was getting stale with sequels such as Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid etc. but then again I'm really looking forward to the next Zelda or Resident Evil game.

I think part of the main problem is that there aren't huge leaps in the technology. Going from Final Fantasy VI on the Snes to VII on the Playstation was a big leap graphically, as was the jump to X on the PS2, but as systems develop the leap just gets smaller and smaller, so you think 'yeah, it's a bit prettier' but it just doesn't have the same impact as it used to have.

I think Nintendo have done well with the Wii, because graphically it's pretty much the same as the Gamecube, so they've tried to introduce big changes with the control system. Games like Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry I think are just more of the same, but if you like them then that's a good thing I guess, after all I love the Castlevania series and if they ever change the format I'll be very disappointed. I think the games scene is healthy though, because there's good games of all varieties to suit most tastes, just not on any single console though.
I think i would agree to your statement for hte most part. Recent improvement are done mainly in the perspective of graphics and sound, some of course, offer online play, but the overall human interface is similar if not the same. I guess it will be a while before new innovations become available.

VR was a hit for a short period of time but fall off the radar due to its massive consumption of computing resource. I guess some day it will make a come back, and I can see that games moving toward a brain simulation type interface if they figure out how to prevent people from living in the deep sleep
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