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JF Ossan
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06-21-2008, 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by Alastor View Post
It may vary from region to region, but as a whole, I would say that the genres I mentioned dominate the market, because you have more games of those genres than sports games. And regardless, a loser playing an MMORPG is still a gamer. And you have to count them in as well. When I look at the region here, I see FPS and MMORPG's as being the most popular. World of Warcraft alone is played by over ten million people.
Here is the list of the top games sales for last week:

Pos Console Name Publisher Week Weekly Total
1 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Konami 1 502,427 502,427
2 Wii Sports Nintendo 82 112,403 12,137,689
3 Mario Kart Wii
Nintendo 7 79,480 2,339,434
4 Wii Play Nintendo 70 71,883 6,271,142
5 Ninja Gaiden 2
Microsoft 2 65,085 238,528
6 Dragonball Z: Burst Limit Atari 1 54,730 54,730
7 Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
LucasArts 2 53,350 121,660
8 Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
LucasArts 2 51,880 129,889
9 Grand Theft Auto IV Take 2 7 50,950 3,599,550
10 Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures LucasArts 2 45,986 104,641
11 Wii Fit Nintendo 4 42,397 927,188
12 More Brain Training Nintendo 43 41,486 2,197,647
13 NASCAR 09 Electronic Arts 1 40,650 40,650
14 Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
LucasArts 2 40,322 121,741
15 Dragonball Z: Burst Limit Atari 1 39,305 39,305
16 Super Smash Bros Brawl Nintendo 14 38,338 3,713,253
17 New Super Mario Bros Nintendo 109 37,459 4,556,607
18 Mario Kart DS Nintendo 135 35,978 3,752,108
19 Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon 2: Time / Darkness Exploration Team Nintendo 8 34,765 815,412
20 Pokemon Diamond / Pearl Nintendo 60 33,780 5,104,525

Not a FPS or MMORPG among them. I am not saying they aren't popular, but I am saying they don't dominate the gaming market. | American Weekly Chart

Originally Posted by Alastor View Post
You have a point though, Sports games are very popular as well. But they're not dominating the market, and they don't bring new innovations with each release. All they're doing is making them more and more realistic. I know sports games do more, but I'm just pointing this out out of a general perspective.
For sports games being more realistic is the only innovation fans want or need.

Originally Posted by Alastor View Post
x08: My point was that there aren't enough of those games. Shadow of the Colossus and ICO are last-gen. I could mention several other innovative games, but the point is that, if you look at this generation of consoles (including the PC), the market could use a few more games that aren't too similar to another existing game.

Finally, I'd like to point out that original doesn't necessary mean good, and that plenty of the games out today are awesome.
LEGO Star Wars and now LEGO Indy ones are very innovative. Wii Fit very innovative. The Mario Kart steering wheel very innovative. GTA IV's story is very innovative.

I am just not sure what you are looking for.

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
This also ties in with the price of games, and how reviews, and the internet hurt even more. It's a given that a game is $50~70 a pop. Most games $60. $60 is something most people would rather not toss away lightly and shrug off if they find it's a bad investment. This high price in games is due to the Movie theater-esque "box office release" money grab. There's excessive advertisement, supplying reviewers comfortably, and most of all the enormous development costs.
Games for the Atari 2600 cost 40 dollars, in the early 80s, and those were 8-bit games. I wish games were cheaper, too, but paying 10 dollars for a 90 minute movie or 60 dollars for a 60 hour's really not so bad.

Last edited by MMM : 06-21-2008 at 07:33 PM.
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