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xYinniex (Offline)
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09-14-2008, 12:51 AM

hey Misa, my friend got into Norwich art school to do game design. ^^

some of the sentences are too long.
e.g:As well as doing my four AS Levels, three of which I believe would be beneficial in this course, Media Studies, Product Design and Art and Design, and three A Levels in the same subjects, I have also done many things in my own time to improve my skills.

MANNN long sentence.

annd , you dont have to relate every a level subject to what you want to study. just show that it was because you're passionate about the subject that you chose it. And more of your hobbies and what inspires you. You've done alot about what you have done, so it would balance the statement out more.

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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