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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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12-16-2008, 05:42 PM

I'm still studying but I survive with a part time job as a freelancer. I take jobs that people need doing, i.e. using Action Script, Java, XHTML and so on. Apparently freelancers will be in demand but I dunno how reliable that information is.
Either way, i'm hoping this "crisis" doesn't last. It'll be difficult as hell getting a job once i've finished my degree since even people with long term jobs have been getting made redundant. I'm not too fussy what job I do get since i've never really planned on a career. A crisis just makes it less likely that i'll change my mind about that anytime soon.

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
I think with any sort of chinese food outlet, Business has gone downhil because we're regarded as unhealthy fast food and hence a waste of money [but its a really nice restaurant-all cooked fresh >.>] and no one has enough money to eat out as much, so the businesses are hit.
Do your parents deliver? Delivering food is all the rage these days.

Truth Hurts

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