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Sangetsu (Offline)
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01-06-2009, 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by DesiredMess View Post
The economy everywhere seems to be going down under.

I'm scared I'm going to be like that in America. All we can do is hope something turns out for the best.
Don't sweat it, it's happened before, and often much more seriously. The economy (like anything else) is not something that grows smoothly or seamlessly.

Having worked in law enforcement in Florida, I learned that there were 3 basic causes of homelessness: addiction, mental illness (often the result of addiction), and simple bad luck. Those who suffered "bad luck" were by far the least common, and they would get back on their feet and eventually get back to work. Those with addictions or mental illness make up about 90% + of the American homeless.

It's a little similar here in Japan, the majority of the homeless are still alcoholics, or those with mental illness. But the numbers of those suffering from bad luck are much higher. Many young Japanese would prefer to sleep in train stations or in internet cafes rather than admit to their families that they lost their job.

The best they can do is to weather the tough times until things get better, which will happen eventually.

I don't think it's the government's job to try and fix the problem, as they are the ones mostly responsible for causing it. Everything the government touches turns to crap; we already know how well the government handles its own finances, anyone who thinks they can manage your money any better is... well you get the idea.
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