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Fooflowers (Offline)
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01-24-2009, 05:44 PM

From what i hear this year i gonna be worse than last year and the next year might even be worse, you should probably jump at the opportunity if its not gonna bankrupt you as you might not be able to later on.

As for ppl saying Tokyo/japan is expensive that's crap i live in Lanzarote and after hearing some of the price exchanges among youtubers/forums its no more expensive then here, the supermarkets and retailers get away with murder here thers special laws against bringing in super saver supermarkets like Wal-Mart or Tescos so even residents have to pay tourist prices unless they go out of their way to get to the big shops.

as long as your accommodation is sorted, you know how much the school books/pens is gonna be, you just have to set yourself an allowance for each day for food and for buying clothes/random stuff

btw do you know if you can work on your visa? it prolly wouldn't hurt to check as a bit of extra cash is always nice

/shoot to thrill
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