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BratGaki (Offline)
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02-23-2009, 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by siamtos View Post
I was wondering if I was off in feeling as follows.
1.I feel the following two expressions are quite discouraging and you should say otherwise.
a.If the sun should rise in the west, I would believe in our victory.
I feel this suggests "I" do not believe in the victory when the sun rises in the east as usual. And "I" should say "I believe..."
b.I wish you would get well soon.
Similarly, you should do without "would".
2.May I ask if you can omit the that parenthesized as below as a native did?
What is quite interesting is (that) wild geese that are making a row look so small.

Thank you.
Your first sentence is correct and rather poetic sounding. You're basically saying that it's impossible for the sun to rise in the West, just like our victory.

On your second sentence, you don't need the "that" in the sentence. In speaking, most people would omit it. In formal writing, including "that" makes it sound better. It's not a huge deal. The one "that" doesn't make a big difference if you include it or not.

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