Thread: "Naked" Sushi
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JF Ossan
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04-09-2009, 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
That's interesting mate.

I just did a search using nyotaimori and it seems more popular than we think

Here's a link with video for all interested and it seems to be rather common in the US. Nyotaimori - naked sushi… at Sushi or Death

You'd wanna make sure the plte had been well cleaned!
Did you actually read the link you posted? "rather common" is the last two words I would use to describe nyotaimori in the US.

"Hadaka sushi is one of the few places where you can actually order Nyotaimori"

"A Nyataimori...modell at Hadaka costs according to their website $1100 and does not include food, beverage, room charge, tax or gratuity. "

(How many people do you know who are willing to pay that much for a meal before even ordering the food?)

"Westerners say it is Japanese, while Japenese consider this to be a Western or even a Chinese is considered quite rare."
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