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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-10-2009, 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by Aether View Post
I will keep in mind what you said and try to find a good gift.

As for the name of the town where I am going to live, I am still waiting to receive that information. I have only been notified of my family's name, ages of family members, and commute time to Tokyo.
Lucky you. I was told that I'm going to find out all of that information either a few days before I arrive there or once I'm actually there.

I've never been to Sophia U, but a few people from my Japanese class have gone there. If you don't mind hearsay, I remember them describing many opportunities to join clubs and meet Japanese students outside of opportunities that IES or CIEE gave them.

As for homestay, based on my own experience, Internet was expensive for my family so I didn't have regular access to it. I've heard from others that they'd have to wait until they arrived at their school to use the Internet. For advice, I say that you really communicate. It can really go a long way. If you want to do your own laundry, say so - because after a year, it's possible that you'll be tearing your hair out every time someone does it for you.

LOVE: pass it on
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