Thread: The N-Word
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Salvanas (Offline)
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08-15-2009, 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
Salvanas: I'm sorry you felt that I was trying to insult you, or make assumptions about you. That wasn't my intention. I think it's wonderful that you want to help others, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're free of making racist judgments. We all suffer from internalized racism, right? We all suffer from making small prejudices and stereotypes. It's something we humans do. It's wrong. Some decide to challenge themselves to make that change. Others don't. I was simply saying that it's not necessarily wrong to make that change. For example, when I learned that Disney was racist, I went right on watching Disney. It wasn't something I was willing to give up. It was my decision, because Disney is such a huge part of my childhood. I know it's difficult to make those kinds of sacrifices. I know it's difficult to admit, "I suffer from internalized racism." Even though it's difficult, however, doesn't mean that it's not there or isn't real.

The thing is, along with getting rid of the words comes education. Many people have provided their thoughts and many articles and links on various words. I've learned from Tenchu about the race relations in Thailand. I didn't know that "falang" was derogatory. What if I'd heard it used casually, and ignorantly believed that it was all right to use? Now that I know better, one word has been eliminated from my vocabulary and I've been educated. Hopefully, this is something that can happen for many people across the world.

Why should we say that one group of people is different from another group because of the color of their skin? Zagato made some pretty good points in the last few pages. I think you should read them.
You do know, that you just made yet another assumption about me? I don't make racist comments. If I judge people, I do so on how their body language is, and not their skin, or clothes. You'd do well to learn that. Not to mention, I never once mentioned anything about me being free of making racist judgements. I never claimed such a thing.

You wrote a lot. But you never addressed the majority of my points. You seem to be doing this a lot.

And I've read Zagato's comments many times before. In other threads too, and he's a kid that cries and points fingers and shouts insults when he's losing an argument.

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