Thread: The N-Word
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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08-15-2009, 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

You do know, that you just made yet another assumption about me? I don't make racist comments. If I judge people, I do so on how their body language is, and not their skin, or clothes. You'd do well to learn that. Not to mention, I never once mentioned anything about me being free of making racist judgements. I never claimed such a thing.

You wrote a lot. But you never addressed the majority of my points. You seem to be doing this a lot.

And I've read Zagato's comments many times before. In other threads too, and he's a kid that cries and points fingers and shouts insults when he's losing an argument.
No, I never said that you make racist comments. I said that you suffer from internalized racism - as we all do - and that we all make racist judgments at one time or another. Unless you were raised in a utopia without any media or cultural influence, you inevitably suffer from internalized racism. That's something we agree on. That's all I said.

I'm sorry that you think I ignored your main points. Please type them out again for me clearly, maybe even in a list, so I can be sure to know what you want me to address.

I'm sorry that you feel that Zagato is immature. I haven't noticed any immaturity from him. I actually noticed maturity from him. Even while seeing the flamers, he was brave enough to disagree with them and stand by his point.

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