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noodle (Offline)
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09-10-2009, 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by GTJ View Post
Actually I think it does change the fact. (Not taking a tone with ya, just to clarify; I'm just stating my opinion ) Because in America at that time of the war, Americans called the Japanese "japs" as a racial insult. It remains to this day to be considered a racial slur in America to refer to anyone of Asian origin (because most Americans can't tell Asians apart) a "jap". In the UK, you don't have that same context and cultural tension as we do leftover from the internment era. At least, I don't think. I've been wrong before.
That's fair enough, but the OP might not be American, and by surveys carried out in Japan, it seems the majority of Japanese don't really care about the use of "Jap". So, there is no need to say something like the person is "not ready" to live in Japan.
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