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(#33 (permalink))
xyzone (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 301
Join Date: Nov 2009
11-24-2009, 02:22 AM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
I don't think its oddball, so much as a sign you may be beginning to lose your sense of taste. I am serious, not being snide. As the tastebuds fade (for many different reasons) people tend to gravitate toward stronger and stronger sensations. Sometimes the loss is temporary, like when numbed by too much alcohol. But it can also be the result of chronic allergies, or the drugs used to treat them. Of course its common with aging, repeated overstimulation, or injury too.

With the excessive pepper and sake, how can you even taste the fish to know whether it is any good? The flavor of most high quality fish would be seriously overpowered by this habit.
Ok let me reply to this. The thing is, I am indeed a capsaicin addict. I know this. My sense of taste is fine, though. The heat itself isn't a flavor anyways, it's just nerve stimulation. Like I said, I still love plain sushi as I always did. But lately I've been going out to sushi so much that I have to get the hotness somewhere. And it's just a phase I'll soon leave behind. Thai is definitely the way to go for hot Asian food. But about the sake, it actually does cleanse the pallet between different kinds of sushi on a variety plate or sushi bar. This is what I've been used to doing since I drank sake, which I only do at sushi places.
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