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(#172 (permalink))
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Cakes (Offline)
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Location: The Dankest Depths of Tartarus
12-13-2009, 01:06 AM

Aah, necro-posting. C:

I don't like it, at all. D: The aim may be to go for that 'Californian beach girl' look, but... it doesn't look like that. Californian beach girls as a stereotype are supposed to be graceful and elegant as well as tanned and blonde. These girls just look like they fell in a vat of walnut juice while attempting to bleach their hair lighter and it then took them half an hour to climb out, resulting in frazzled hair and a really unnatural skin tone!

I've got nothing against tans or bleach-blonde hair. It was my sister's look for years, and she looked absolutely great that way. She also developed a melanoma from all the tanning, on the other hand.

In my opinion, it looks peculiar and more than a bit creepy. I've seen some (less over-the-top) ganguro girls who look beautiful, but a lot more who remind me of that old overcooked lady with the skin like a peanut and the fake-blonde hair who walked past me in a bikini top, mini-skirt and nothing else the other day. Not a good look.
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