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AichiAlex (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 53
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Nagoya
The Wallpaper Thread - 01-04-2010, 01:54 AM

So I've looked around this forum pretty thoroughly, and while i've found a few thread's
similar to this (Post your Desktop), I think this thread needs to be made, and hopefully it
won't get removed.

Basically, I have a bunch of Japan / Anime-themed wallpapers, and I thought that I'd share
them with you guys. However, I'm also always looking for more wallpapers to add to
my rotation, so I thought that we could start a sort of collection of wallpapers where
everyone can enjoy and use whatever wallpapers they like.

So, Here are the Rules:
1. To reply, post a Japan-themed wallpapers. If you have something to say about another persons post, post a wallpaper along with whatever you want to say.
2. Don't post any pictures smaller than 800x600, chances are anything smaller than that will look really ugly as a background.
3. Don't post your desktop, post wallpapers so that other people can use the wallpaper for their own computer.

Anyway, here's 5 from my collection to start things off.

I hope you like!! I'll post more periodically. Let's see some of yours!!
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