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JF Ossan
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04-06-2010, 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by SenseofTouch View Post
It is exactly the same, but for some reason people make it a big deal when it's Japanese, but it's not. It doesn't mean a person is a geek or a wannabe; it just means they think it sounds cool/funny or simply they've adopted it to their speech. When I speak Japanese to friends, I mix in English expressions. When I speak Cantonese to friends, I mix in English or Mandarin expressions and so on. It is extremely common among multilingual societies or households. It is also extremely common for a person to constantly use the expressions of the language they're learning while speaking their native tongue.
Pop music has nothing to do with how people really talk. Do those same singers toss in English when they are speaking Japanese conversationally?

No, they don't. Pop music lyrics are NOT conversational language communication.

It is common to mix languages in multi-lingual societies. However, I don't think the OP is talking about people that are living in a Japan/English mixed society.

It is also extremely common for a person to constantly use the expressions of the language they're learning while speaking their native tongue.

I don't know that it is "extremely common" but if I were friends with someone who was learning a new language and he or she couldn't help but "constantly" throw in expressions from the language he or she was learning, I would find it extremely obnoxious.
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