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TalnSG (Offline)
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06-17-2010, 03:08 PM

Thanks, Noodle.

I can see why Japan has downplayed the issue, since drug smuggling is not one of their offenses that carries a death sentence and mainland China has a well founded reuptation for excessive use of execution and torture.

While this was a rather small amount of meth that was being transported, there was at least a traceable operation involving more than a single supplier and user. And like the rest of the world China is having a serious problem with meth labs. It is rumored that it may be even more of problem there than in the west, and if so anyone (especially a foreign national) is going to be made an extreme example of.

Originally Posted by caisaki View Post
This year, three more Japanese were executed in Beijing for drug smuggling, and 28 more Japanese were detained.

I don't know about you, but I think people have no right to kill others despite their crimes.
So you think it is acceptable for someone to manufacture and supply meth which kills on a massive scale, rather than kill those who cause the deaths?

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