Thread: Shows to Watch
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yuriyuri (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: UK
09-11-2010, 11:51 PM

If all you want to do is practice listening and learning new words then any TV show will be fine.

If you want to use them to mimic speech/accents etc then stay away from anime for sure.

Personally I like to watch dramas when I can - Things like 仁、ヴォイス~命なき者の声~、銭ゲバ etc (Those dramas are already over but you get the idea)

I also like the news and I like chat shows and things like that.

One of the reasons I like drama so much in particular, is because not only is it entertaining for me, but I also have Japanese subtitle files, so it's easy to look up new words

You can also sign up to ニコニコ動画(9) to watch any videos you can find.
Sometimes I watch Japanese dubs of The Simpsons on there for example.
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