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11-20-2010, 06:23 PM

I fail to see why there is such a debate over this issue like a think tank needs to be put together to determine the answer. Its not as complex as some are making it out to be. I gave two very useful links on the first page and there is a ton of information on the web that explains in detail why Japan's birthrate is continuing to fall. Plus Nyororin who lives in Japan and is married to a Japanese man and has a child gave her first person answer.

Also, western nations birthrate is also falling but not at the rate as Japans. Italy for one has a very low birthrate even the UK and the US birthrate is falling. The reason being people are waiting to get married and having children later and even then they are not having a ton of kids. It is not necessary to have a huge family anymore and in some cases like Japan inconvenient. The baby boomers in the US are getting ready to retire there was a boom of births after WWII and through the 50's. The population levels are just capping.

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