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GregX999 (Offline)
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Location: Rochester, NY
02-15-2011, 03:10 AM

Hmmm... I wouldn't have thought Hokkaido just because of how far north it is. It also seems much more often cloudy. But it does have some amazing scenery, and I know it's well known for outdoor activities. Is Hakodate the main/only city you'd recommend there?

I certainly wouldn't choose Tokyo for a first city. I had been thinking mostly of either Honshu, west of Kyoto; or Kyushu.

One thing I'd like to do while there is road biking, so I'd like to be near a variety of nice, 3 hour to full day (perhaps overnight), scenic, road-rides. (scenic = nature as well as history, 50 years old or 500 years old).
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