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godwine (Offline)
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08-05-2011, 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Just a quick heads up before the thread has a chance to go too far into dangerous territory - we do not allow religious discussion on JF.

So let us look at this as something that goes against your personal beliefs.

In my opinion, no matter what your reasons are for disagreeing for it... The best thing would be to just, well, not get involved. No matter what they are auctioning off, you do not have to participate.

There are lots of things out there in the world that I do not agree with for various reasons. My policy is to just not have anything to do with them.
Not every person in Japan, nor every charity event in Japan, has something to do with this so I find it a bit of a mystery why it would have any effect on your choice to live or not live in the country. I would even be more than willing to say that 99.9% of the Japanese population has no clue there even is an auction like that.
I looked at that article, if I read it correctly with my limited knowledge with the English language, I believe this was something hosted by a Porn related company, given the ties, do you approve the pron industry?

This is not a normal practice, in fact, its FAR from a normal charity practice, and as Nyroin said, I bet that not that many people are aware of such an event.