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KyleGoetz (Offline)
Attorney at Flaw
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Location: Texas
08-07-2011, 09:52 PM

If you're going to college for your first semester, don't buy any textbooks. Go to the uni library (they'll have the textbooks on reserve—meaning no one can check them out, only use them in the library) and use it. This will force you to study it every day (since you can't just say at 11pm before going to bed "oh I'll do it right before class").

I just saved you $1000 a year.

(but you'll still have to buy the workbook—if it's anything like Yookoso!, there will be pages you fill in the blanks for and turn in as homework)

Also, old editions of Japanese textbooks will be very similar (dare I say 99% identical?) to the new version. It's not like Japanese language is much of a radically changing field.
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