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(#54 (permalink))
Sumippi (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 215
Join Date: Aug 2011
10-15-2011, 06:14 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post

外国語を勉強する生徒の母語話者より文法用語が知って いることが全く多いですよね。例えば、ベネズエラで育 った家内の英語文法の知識が詳しいです。「whichとthatは どう違うか」と、アメリカ人にきいたら、まあ、アメリ カ人は答えられないかもしれないけど、家内はできます !)
Yes I think I can see that... Reminded me of my linguistics professor in college telling us like... 'We tend to be using our native language (=Japanese) carelessly, and never notice some things/rules etc. about it that other language speakers can easily notice. The reverse is true; we can find some sorts of things about the English language while its native speakers tend to overlook them. That's partly why some well-known English language researchers are not from English spoken countries.'
He told us that we had an advantage in that point...I'm not sure about that though... 笑

For Sino-Japanese words that have been an integral part of Japanese for a really long time, break the rule and use お. This explains お茶 even though it's from the Chinese "cha1".
あ、でも、私、「お」「御」は正しく付けられますが、 Japanese wordか、Sino-Japanese かは、全然区別できていません・・・。

You eventually develop an ear for telling the difference in the same way educated native English speakers eventually can tell whether a Modern English word came from Old English, French, Latin, or Greek (but often the word went Latin->French->English, so there is some ambiguity).
そ、それは難しそうですね、ラテン語起源くらいしか分 からないかも・・・(そのまんまだから)。う~ん…例 えば、beef, porkがフランス起源で、cow, pigがドイツ語とか古英語とかから来た、などということ って、「語の形」で分かるものなんでしょうか、(いや 、日本語すらも出来ていない私なので絶対無理・・・orz )

(私はなぜ、日本語には英語で、英語には日本語で答え たのだろう・・・謎w)
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