Thread: 起承転結
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masaegu (Offline)
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10-25-2011, 06:05 AM

Originally Posted by bombombomshawty View Post
So, I'm working on writing a speech in Japanese, and am having immense amounts of trouble with this unfamiliar writing structure. My topic is 外来語, and so far I have a basic idea of where I want this speech to go.

起: Talk about how I am learning several languages, and while learning these languages, I have noticed oftentimes that similar words exist between them.

承: Give many examples: the American legal system uses words from Latin, Japan and Korea both use the word アルバイト from German, French words like "sabotage" are used in many other languages, etc.

転: The word "anime". This is sort of a twist on general 外来語 in that it is a DOUBLE loan word. It followed the path of animation -> アニメーション -> アニメ -> anime, eventually coming back to its language of origin with a different meaning.

結: I have no 結.... and trying to create one has been stumping me for weeks, and finally going to my Japanese friends tonight resulted in several hours of no progress at all. I've been told by my friends AND Japanese teacher that my 起承転 are good, and therefore logically I feel like I should also be able to create a good 結, but it's just not happening at all. The only thing I seem to be coming back to is that, "loan words are important for connecting languages, and languages are important for connecting the world," but I KNOW this is weak, and my Japanese friends all agree that it's not a good conclusion at all.

Does anyone have ANY suggestions for how I may find a good way to wrap this up, or anywhere I may look to find some sort of conclusion regarding why I've even been talking about 外来語 for 3 full paragraphs?
Interesting question. Sounds to me as if you were asking a stranger what you wanted to say the most in your speech. Normally (and ideally), one would have the 結 part first in one's mind and then try to construct the supporting parts that nicely and logically lead to the 結.

Using the opposite method that you seem to be using this time, you COULD end up saying something you had never even thought of as a conclusion. Are you following me?

So what did you originally want to say the most? In other words, what is this speech about? Hope you won't just say 外来語. What did you want to say about 外来語?

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