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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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11-04-2011, 03:48 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
What was the whole phrase you used?

What matters is how you end the どんな兄ちゃん phrase. It is completely correct to use "どんな兄ちゃん + other words" but choose the wrong other words and you will destroy the whole sentence.

By the use of the word 兄ちゃん, I am assuming that you are pretty close to that person's younger brother or sister. You could have said :
The ending could NOT be made more polite because of the use of the informal 兄ちゃん.

You can say the same thing using なんという.

All these sentences mean "What kinda big brother is he?" or "Some kinda big brother you've got!" These are said humorously after hearing something unusual or weird about the big bro.

Finally, your dictionary is wrong in saying that. なんという can be used at least in two ways and the meaning changes with the wording around it.
これはなんという食べ物ですか。 Asking for the name.
なんというきれいな湖だ! Exclamation.
I was really looking forward to your explanation, and you didn't disappoint. I didn't think that どんな〜 was wrong, but was confused since it was a native saying so.

Relatedly, does どんなやつかよ work for "what a bastard" or something like that in reaction to seeing some guy be a jerk? I'm trying to remember if I've seen that before.
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