Thread: Tattoo help!
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RKitagawa (Offline)
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12-01-2011, 06:26 AM

Thanks a bunch masaegu, that's a really huge help
starting to have second thoughts after hearing that you think it sounds sissy though haha. Was also expecting there to be a bit more kanji in it. All that hiragana will make it a pretty long tattoo... hmmm, lots to think about.

I'm curious though. Do you think the english translation would also be a sissy tattoo? I personally think it's pretty poetic, and it strikes a chord with me. So I'm curious to learn if you think it's just the japanese translation that sounds sissy, or the quote in general. regardless of language.

Anyways, I really appreciate your help, and opinion. Thanks

@KyleGoetz I've often wondered that myself to be honest. I don't know how the Japanese see Murakami. But I would be a little disappointed if he was sort of a JK Rowling/Stephen King of Japan. His work is so beautiful, bizarre, and atmospheric. Nothing against those other authors, but to me.. Murakami is on a totally different level. At least, the Murakami I know (which is of course all translated, so who knows?).
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