
View Poll Results: Are you proud of your country?
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(#221 (permalink))
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09-21-2008, 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Simply; no one ever thought to try anything new. There is no other explanation for it.

They never managed to assume prosperity and there for had no time to flourish.
Historical trend points to necessity as the driving force to technological advancement.

The Aboriginals never had to advance as they never NEEDED to.
(#222 (permalink))
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09-21-2008, 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Do you want to have a comp who has been to the most places?

No, I do not think you do.

Not like it matters if you wear a blind fold.

And how many primary and even high school teachers are really that smart? That says everything about your own out look...
I don't want to have a competition because it is irrelevant and you could easily lie (Which I wouldn't put past you considering the other gross exaggerations you've made on this site. I also wouldn't be so sure of winning if I were you, I've been around.)

You painted Aborigines as stupid and asked me if I'd ever met one. I disagreed and presented one that wasn't who I'd met.

Primary school teachers have to graduate from high school and then go on to teachers academy to get a diploma. While not rocket science it is an honourable achievement and requires someone to be what I'd term as fairly smart.

At the very least it's a more honourable proffession than you.... what was it you do again? You're a professional fighter... It sounds like you've taken one too many knocks to the head.
(#223 (permalink))
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09-21-2008, 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Sweety, the Mayans were long gone before columbus got there.

Also, it was Cortez who met the Aztecs... the mayans died out long before.

Spanish conquest of Yucatán

I highly recommend watching Apocalypto.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
The lesson is no civilization lasts for forever. Even the aboriginies. They didn't have a civilization, actually. It was a group of not connected tribes. You may think of the white painted black man with the didge blown out a kookaburra tune and chuckin a boomorang, but actually that was a very small population that was isolated from the other small populations.

Simply; no one ever thought to try anything new. There is no other explanation for it.

They never managed to assume prosperity and there for had no time to flourish.
But... why do you assume that prospery means “wealth in material goods"? Because that is what mainly distinguishes us from them. They know there's more to the world but they like the life they're living. They know they could have a "more decent" life, but maybe they're just happy doing their own thing and are not willing to prosper. They have had contact with "more developed" civilizations yet they choose to stay the way they are. Again, this doesn't make them mentally deficient, they just have a different way of going about life, which -in my opinion- is as respectable as any other.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
(#224 (permalink))
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09-21-2008, 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by AmbeRz View Post
Britain is so boring and cold compared to Australia =(
*steals Australian beaches and brings them over here*
But you have a wonderful sense of humour. And you have Prince Harry!

But I understand what you mean. I like the Aussies. They are funny and easy. Moreover, they love swimming.

The Germans are boring...

"Freaks rule!" (._.)v
(#225 (permalink))
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09-22-2008, 09:50 AM

actually the mayans are very much alive.... go to that region of MExico as i have and you will see it...some people still have the sloping foreheads...

also the capitol city of the mayan civilisation....the largest city iof the mayans....is now called....MEXICO CITY....and is the capital city of Mexico...

now this is not the mayan culture as we would know it...but these are the decendants....and alot still hold simmilar beliefs.


oh and by the way....the mother of invention...what has driven our society forward...as far back as babylon the first civilisation (which is now called bagdad!! )

is WAR... thats what drives technology forward...not prosperity...WAR...thats why...europe has a history with the most war in it...thats why we were the most technologically advanced region
(#226 (permalink))
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09-22-2008, 09:59 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Josh, I used to be on the same line of thought as you about this. I was in support of making Australia hospitable for immigrants. Esp. Asians because I was fond of their culture from martial arts.

Now I live where these guys come from. I am called "farang" which is a east Asian word for pretty much "white nigga".

I am all popular and people love me until they realize I live here permanently. Then the notion switches to "get out of my country".

Many venues such as Muay Thai boxing stadiums, national parks, even Buddhist temples I am forced to pay as much as 5 times more than a Thai, this is the same in every country in this region.

Want some proof:

Welcome to www.muaythai-institute.net

Welcome To www.muaythai-institute.net

This is the gym I used to train at. Now, you don't speak Thai, but it does not take a genius to work out that being a foreigner who does not speak Thai has to pay a lot more.

I left that gym. Some people say it is okay because they are poor and need our money. That gym owner owns the only stadium in Rangsit, a massive night club and a huge hotel... he needs my finnacial support? Those people are retards.

Not just on the big scale, but also the small they rip you off. You are a target to be ripped of by taxis who receive kick backs for bringing "farang" to shops and getting them to pay too much (things like brothels and holiday packages and hotels).

Also, restaurants and even people at small markets have special menus with special prices for english speakers.

Does the government do anything to stop racism? Well, the 2 biggest stadiums in Bangkok are government and Army operated, and so are national parks. The government is half the problem.

Racism is wrong, that is my point. But before you go selling cheap Australian land to all the Asians coming over just remember they will tax you 500% more than their own people if you bought the land in their country.

Just remember the people whose rights you are fighting for do not return the favor when you go to their country. You will be called "falang" and expected to pay more.

Don't be racist, but don't be narrow minded.

they are just jealous because you have BIG FERANG penis :P

if people get on your case....FUCK EM....

don't let it effect you... if i am abroad and someone tries to give me that "your an outlander" attitude...i turn around and say..

"damn straight...would want to be from YOUR country anyway... ytoudon't even have sterling...look at these tokens you call currency...you don't even have Sterling...."
(#227 (permalink))
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09-22-2008, 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
What do you mean by "I've been around"?

What have I exaggerated? Give me one thing? And you better be sure before you go calling me a liar again or I will make you look like an idiot.

You seem to think you can prove a primary school teacher to be a genius to me, as if I have no experience in this. I have been through primary school, do you realize that? All my teachers were idiots. Most the shit I say that sounds smart, like me telling off Suki just now because she is wrong about the Mayans, no, I did not learn that in school.

Anyway, I do not mean every aboriginal is an idiot. I am simply saying the vast majority lives in poverty, are criminals, and are not very smart. You saying that is not true is wrong. One might be smart, but most are not, that is fact.

I want to make it very clear to you I am not racist. I have a black wife (well, almost black, her skin is black but she is technically listed as "oriental" or what not). I am simply saying what I observe as fact. You can change my mind by giving facts against me, I will listen, but once again you are saying "because I say so" ...
Bullshit... You make an inflammatory statement then retreat from it and try to rationalise it when people roast you and make you look like an idiot for making it. You did the same in the Muslim thread making an "exception" of Ivionk3y just because he is your buddy. Now you've moved on to ridicule the intelligence of primary school teachers. Tenchu you're the biggest idiot I've ever come accross online and in real life.

Here's how this thread goes

Tenchu- Aborigines are monkeys, sub-human and stupid.
Me, Suki, others- That is uncalled for, incorrect and ignores the complexity of the situation.
Tenchu- I never actually meant that all of them were just the vast majority.

If that's not exaggeration then I don't know what is. Not to mention IF that is what you really meant (which I don't believe for a second) then WHY bother bringing it up in the first place? (So aborigines are over-represented in crime statistics... what's your point?)

By the way- JoshAussie has reported what you ACTUALLY said in the spam/bans/flames forum. I hope that you get banned for what you said because I found it verging on genocidal and highly offensive.

Not to mention you pulling the "I'm not a racist because my <insert association of some sort here> is <insert race here>" card is pathetic.
(#228 (permalink))
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09-22-2008, 10:51 AM

You're right.. you never said outright that they were subhuman. But you IMPLIED as much.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Suki, there is no reason to defend the aboriginies. They are less technologically capable than their part monkey counterparts, the homo erectus and neanderthal men. When they arived on Australia they actually went backwards in technology, and started forgetting shit rather than advancement.

People say the desert broke them. But, seriously, if white man can go from mule to rocket ship in less than 100 years how come they stuck with their stupidity when they colonized the prosperous east coast for 40,000 years?

No sense is made, they are dumb.
Now if you're looking at the retreat you made let's look at the following quote

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Anyway, I do not mean every aboriginal is an idiot. I am simply saying the vast majority lives in poverty, are criminals, and are not very smart. You saying that is not true is wrong. One might be smart, but most are not, that is fact.

I want to make it very clear to you I am not racist. I have a black wife (well, almost black, her skin is black but she is technically listed as "oriental" or what not). I am simply saying what I observe as fact. You can change my mind by giving facts against me, I will listen, but once again you are saying "because I say so" ...
You're the biggest fucking idiot I've ever met.
(#229 (permalink))
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09-22-2008, 12:44 PM

No, but I'm not ashamed of it either. I don't like the ideas of countries and if it was possible I would like to see a global government. I really can't see the positives with nationalities.

A person is a success if they get up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.
-Bob Dylan
(#230 (permalink))
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09-22-2008, 12:50 PM

Naa no really proud to be French...(But humm Seems like Irish Girl like that lol)

I Honestly, seriously and truly.....don't care about U
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