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KungMartin 11-13-2010 07:44 PM

Why are so many japan lovers weeaboos?
Like... I think it's fine to enjoy Japanese culture, Anime, J-rock, J-pop etc, but the so called "weeaboos" take this to a whole new level. It's like the ONLY thing they like, to the point that they couldn't care less about anything else, not even their own country, or even themselves, lmfao!

Like... why can't you like Japan AND other stuff too? And why can't you like Japan for other stuff than J-rock? Yes, j-rock and j-pop (hence the name I guess) is pop culture in Japan, but there are other cultures and styles that I bet are equally big (I'm not going to pretend that I've been to Japan, because let's face it most ppl here probably haven't).

I love Japan, I love their culture, I love their people (there's just something about them that's so awesome), but like... c'mon now.. u get my point right?=S

I guess /troll, but this is something that kinda really annoys me. I very rarely find a fellow Japan-lover on the internet who isn't a complete emo/weeaboo, which is kinda sad cuz personally I find them less interesting to discuss with. I'm not going to complain about real life, cuz I do have japan-lovers who are like me, more versatile in interests. And yes, I have noticed quite a few non-weeaboos here on JF, who I can identify myself with (who for the record are a majority in General Discussion, hint?).

And this isn't aimed specifically at JF, it's aimed at j-lovers in general. It's what I've gathered through experience.

I honestly can't wrap my finger around this=/


Columbine 11-14-2010 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 837377)
We've had this discussion many times and my opinion is this:

Who cares?

I don't care if someone gets a little OTT about Japan, they aren't HARMING anyone, they might be mildly annoying at best. If people like this actually get to you, then you need to lighten up.

It depends on your situation IMO. Living outside of Japan, it's not a big deal at all, but when I lived in Japan, I lived with a fairly large community of foreigners, which included people of all types and motivations. The obsessives tended to be picked up more by the local media/ stereotyping machine, and anyone with more diverse or serious interests could easily find themselves having to answer for the obsessives, which can be highly embarrassing. Especially if the Japanese people they were talking to had only encountered this sort of person, or doesn't understand it at all.

So not harmful, per se, but limiting, and it can create a general stereotype for the motivations of students in Japan, so it can be limiting and somewhat of a stigma in the worst case.

WingsToDiscovery 11-14-2010 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 837414)
Weeaboos in Japan would be embarassing, awful and potentially a lot worse, but I was going on the assumption that 99% of them will probably never make it and it'll be a fad that passes with time, haha.

Believe me, it's as bad as it sounds. Most weaboos won't get over to Japan because they're immature and just won't get their sh!t together, but there are quite a few that I've met who've slipped through the cracks at my college. They don't understand how awful they are and all of the Japanese students (which make up most of the school) can't stand them and literally laugh at them at times.

RickOShay 11-14-2010 01:02 AM

Maybe I have been lucky, cuz I have not met that many that were super annoying. I just thought they were regular dorks, of a slightly different variety.

KungMartin 11-14-2010 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 837419)
Believe me, it's as bad as it sounds. Most weaboos won't get over to Japan because they're immature and just won't get their sh!t together, but there are quite a few that I've met who've slipped through the cracks at my college. They don't understand how awful they are and all of the Japanese students (which make up most of the school) can't stand them and literally laugh at them at times.

Trust me, I know what it's like. I have a few Japanese friends here in Sweden (who go to Japan regularly), and they can't stand j-tards (as we call them). I can imagine how stupid weaboos would look if they actually went to Japan.

KyokoUK 11-14-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by RickOShay (Post 837422)
Maybe I have been lucky, cuz I have not met that many that were super annoying. I just thought they were regular dorks, of a slightly different variety.

I think you got right to the point there, they're just regular dorks. I love Japan because its part of my family's culture. Having been born a few generations after my great grandparents "went west" I find myself just a plain old English girl with almond eyes and I don't want to be only that, I want to study my culture and language and perhaps some day, travel to Japan on holiday. If those "dorks" want to really identify with "us" then let them identify with our Japanese, racist movement that perverted Shinto and helped make us the bad guys back in world war II. Let them identify with being rounded up and put into detention centers in the west during that time just for being Americans or Englishmen with the racial heritage of "The Enemy." Let them identify with our victims of the first atomic war in the history of the planet. Let them go to Japan and visit the OUR "ground zero's" which are much older and took more lives that hundreds of trade centers (and I'm not casting dispersion on that event what so ever, just making a comparison.) I could go on but I will only use these illustrations. Japan and Japanese culture is much more than anime, J-pop (which I love) or making "pilgrimages" to a wonderful country and lovely people which is NOT "The Holy Land" so enjoy Japan all you want to but for goodness sake, have a life also.

GoNative 11-14-2010 04:45 AM

I must admit that even though I've been in Japan almost 7 years I had never even heard of the term 'weeaboos' prior to visiting this website. I never met anyone like that in Australia and haven't really met anyone like it working and living up this way. It is indeed a strange phenomena that I've only recently become aware of. Thankfully I'd guess most of them would concregate in the big cities if they do make it over here and won't ever bother us up here in rural Hokkaido! :mtongue:

JasonTakeshi 11-14-2010 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by KungMartin (Post 837373)
weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos weeaboos

Columbine 11-14-2010 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 837414)
Weeaboos in Japan would be embarassing, awful and potentially a lot worse, but I was going on the assumption that 99% of them will probably never make it and it'll be a fad that passes with time, haha.

Yeah, I mean high-schoolers, well who cares. High school kids get dumb and over-enthusiastic about everything; it's kind of the territory. The main problem with the fanatics who ~do~ get to Japan is that their often of the age where most people have toned it down or grown out of it.

It was incredible actually; about 600 foreign exchange students arrived in Japan, all complete strangers- by day 2 as if by magic, invisible social lines had been drawn- all the japanophiles had opted to live in the most expensive 'creature comfort' dorm D (western-style beds, private toilets etc) and went to cafeteria A at lunchtime and that is where they stayed- asides from certain classes and cycling past them all waiting for the bus, i almost never saw them again. Actually, that was amusing- the only japanese opinion i ever got on it was "They must be pretty clumsy- all the injured people seem to live there". and it was true! in one semester 6 or 7 managed to bust an ankle or toe or something- they all lived in that one dorm!

WingsToDiscovery 11-14-2010 10:24 AM

I've actually already met two weaboos who have gone home because they couldn't cut it here. They found out that coming to Japan means you're still going to have to live the same "grown up" life you would back home, but now you're in a foreign country and all of the complications that come with it. The first guy was just a straight up antisocial slob. He didn't shower, wore the same clothes every day, and just nested in front of his computer watching anime. He didn't last two weeks before calling it quits and flying back home. The other guy was a study abroad student who had done a semester in Japan before, but last time he had a bunch of study abroad weaboo friends to hang out with and play games and watch anime. This time he had to hang out with myself and the other new students except we're all socialites who go out and shop, party, and more. He was a nice enough guy but he felt like he just didn't fit in and decided to go home.

MeIsKevin 11-14-2010 10:41 AM

I know what you mean, it's okay to like japan, but being over-obsessed is just too much.

Especially here in Sweden, weeaboos are mixing Swedish with Japanese, saying kawaii, desu and other words just to believe they can speak japanese.

I HATE weeaboos, they're embarrassing ._.

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 10:47 AM

If you're on this site then you're a weabo including myself.

It's just a slur against those that have an interest in Japan.

Doing what you're doing would be like trying to define n*****s as seperately from black people.

It's a pointless discussion

WingsToDiscovery 11-14-2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837486)
If you're on this site then you're a weabo including myself.

I couldn't disagree more. There are plenty of people here (including myself) who don't subscribe to the aspects that define one as being a weaboo.
To make a comparative analogy, you're saying that everyone who plays video games, recreational or hardcore, is an otaku.
Or that anyone who reads comics, whether recreational or hardcore, Japanese manga or Western graphic novel, is an otaku.

The word itself (with the definition) was purely created as a way to distinguish those who may have some sort of interest in Japan VS those who wish they were Japanese (and lived in Akiba and had a JP GF and ate ramen every day and blah blah blah).

The word "weaboo" is designed to point out the extreme, not just those who have an interest.

JamboP26 11-14-2010 11:51 AM

I constantly got on about Japan to my friends, & I know its too the point it annoys them. But as you say in the first post, KungMartin, I like other countries too. Maybe not as much, but...

Salvanas 11-14-2010 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837486)
If you're on this site then you're a weabo including myself.

It's just a slur against those that have an interest in Japan.

Doing what you're doing would be like trying to define n*****s as seperately from black people.

It's a pointless discussion

I would have to disagree there Ronin. There is a difference between normal folk, and weabos. The term weabo is mostly used for the type that live in the fantasy world, thinking Japan is this utopia, where everyone is in love with anime, and that life there is this dream come true. People who believe that, have the title thrown at them.

I can't recall once, where I've said to someone "I'm interested in Japanese culture, and it's history, as well as other parts like the music." and been called weabo in return.

Perhaps that's just me.

KungMartin 11-14-2010 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 837497)
I would have to disagree there Ronin. There is a difference between normal folk, and weabos. The term weabo is mostly used for the type that live in the fantasy world, thinking Japan is this utopia, where everyone is in love with anime, and that life there is this dream come true. People who believe that, have the title thrown at them.

I can't recall once, where I've said to someone "I'm interested in Japanese culture, and it's history, as well as other parts like the music." and been called weabo in return.

Perhaps that's just me.

That's a whole different story dude, that's kinda like racism, lemme explain.

I have two different friends groups, one group enjoys Japan (not weaboo style), the other group couldn't care less about Japan. Some friends in this group are even to the point where they hate everything that's Japanese, and diss Japanese people just for being Japanese, and people who love it (whereas they aren't racist in any other way, just specifically against Japan). I just think that's racism in a way, and it's retarded. I guess I just accept it because they're awesome people past that detail.

What I mean is that the people who called u a weeaboo just because u think Japan is interesting, are people like the ones I just described...

KungMartin 11-14-2010 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by JamboP26 (Post 837495)
I constantly got on about Japan to my friends, & I know its too the point it annoys them. But as you say in the first post, KungMartin, I like other countries too. Maybe not as much, but...

Just widen ur horizons, enjoy everything life has to offer, trust me dude u'll enjoy life more. And it's not only about enjoying other countries, it's about... just enjoying everything that can potentially be enjoyed. There's so much more to life than u might think, some people I guess just need to realize that =P

It's all good to like everything Japan has to offer, but variety is key to true enjoyment=) I guess it might be a personal oppinion, but who doesn't think variety tops monotonousness?=S

Also, u'll save urself from being frowned upon (not that it should necessarily matter, but hey, who LIKES being frowned upon?) =PP

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 837497)
I would have to disagree there Ronin. There is a difference between normal folk, and weabos. The term weabo is mostly used for the type that live in the fantasy world, thinking Japan is this utopia, where everyone is in love with anime, and that life there is this dream come true. People who believe that, have the title thrown at them.

I can't recall once, where I've said to someone "I'm interested in Japanese culture, and it's history, as well as other parts like the music." and been called weabo in return.

Perhaps that's just me.

lol... listen to yourself.

Who actually believes those things.

I mean I've met people that are a little bit too over enthusiastic about Japan for my liking also.

But to someone who has no interest in Japan at all and that has contempt for people who are interested in Japan... then WE are the Weabos to them.

It's relative.

For example.. I don't understand those people that listen to Japanese music almost religiously yet they can't understand the lyrics. For me that just doesn't make sense. If I were to be contemptuous towards them then I would call them Weabos. (Although I don't understand why you would listen to songs that you can't understand, I don't really hold contempt towards these people but that was just an example)

It's just a slur and the fact that none of you can agree on a particular definition or establish a line one must cross in which to become a weaboo is evidence of this.

The fact that nobody can look at themselves and honestly say they're a weabo is further evidence of my point.

GoNative 11-14-2010 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837507)
The fact that nobody can look at themselves and honestly say they're a weabo is further evidence of my point.

Well I've already received a reasonable amount of derision from people on this forum for deciding to live here without really being into Japanese culture at all. Don't think I could be considered a weaboo could I? I've never read even one manga in my whole life and I've lived in Japan for almost 7 years!! :mtongue:

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by GoNative (Post 837509)
Well I've already received a reasonable amount of derision from people on this forum for deciding to live here without really being into Japanese culture at all. Don't think I could be considered a weaboo could I? I've never read even one manga in my whole life and I've lived in Japan for almost 7 years!! :mtongue:

The fact you live in Japan makes you a weabo to someone out there.

But like I said.. it's a slur and I imagine only a racist would think of you or someone in your situation as a weabo.

GoNative 11-14-2010 01:30 PM

You may be right. As I said earlier I hadn't even heard of the term weaboo previously until being active on this forum. I was blissfully unaware that there were all these people out there in other countries who idolise this country. It's been an eye opener.

Salvanas 11-14-2010 01:56 PM

Good points, I take back my arguments.

WingsToDiscovery 11-14-2010 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837510)
The fact you live in Japan makes you a weabo to someone out there.

But like I said.. it's a slur and I imagine only a racist would think of you or someone in your situation as a weabo.

I can't agree with this. In relative terms, by your logic you could never give any kind of description to a style or archetype because someone else could dismiss it as being relative. But we don't do this because we have to give the best description to fit certain definite characteristics that describe something or someone to distinguish it from something else.

KyokoUK 11-14-2010 05:27 PM

So...are all the Japanese who love American country music, wear western cowboy hats, or are big baseball fans or love American or English fashions...are they weeaboos too? Just wondering if this sword cuts both ways. And as a Japanese girl born and raised English and totally interested in learning everything I can about Japan from anime to ancient classic dance...does that mean I'm a weeaboo too? (yes, a little sarcistic but not in a mean way)

KungMartin 11-14-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837507)
lol... listen to yourself.

Who actually believes those things.

I mean I've met people that are a little bit too over enthusiastic about Japan for my liking also.

But to someone who has no interest in Japan at all and that has contempt for people who are interested in Japan... then WE are the Weabos to them.

It's relative.

For example.. I don't understand those people that listen to Japanese music almost religiously yet they can't understand the lyrics. For me that just doesn't make sense. If I were to be contemptuous towards them then I would call them Weabos. (Although I don't understand why you would listen to songs that you can't understand, I don't really hold contempt towards these people but that was just an example)

It's just a slur and the fact that none of you can agree on a particular definition or establish a line one must cross in which to become a weaboo is evidence of this.

The fact that nobody can look at themselves and honestly say they're a weabo is further evidence of my point.

This guy is so stubborn =//

Yes, weeaboo is a slur (obviously), it's not a newsflash. Much like emo is a slur nowadays. And both are equally hated.

Someone who likes Japan among other things is NOT a weeaboo, get with the program dude, THEN come back.


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 837528)
I can't agree with this. In relative terms, by your logic you could never give any kind of description to a style or archetype because someone else could dismiss it as being relative. But we don't do this because we have to give the best description to fit certain definite characteristics that describe something or someone to distinguish it from something else.

This pretty much. Trust me, he's going to come back again and keep insisting that we should "look at ourselves and say that we're weeaboos". Is this guy like... butthurt by any chance?

Is he a former-weeaboo who snapped out of it, and now is trying to justify something?=S

It's like there's a discussion about not liking emos, and some dude enters and keeps insisting than anyone with long hair who listens to rock is an emo=// Rockers have long hair, emos have long hair, rockers listen to rock, emos listen to rock, there are a bunch of correlations, but are rockers automatically emos because of this? Don't think so

IonFortuna 11-14-2010 06:18 PM

This is my first time hearing that word.

One problem I see with alot of people is they hate what they don't understand, understanding is important for everything.

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery (Post 837528)
I can't agree with this. In relative terms, by your logic you could never give any kind of description to a style or archetype because someone else could dismiss it as being relative. But we don't do this because we have to give the best description to fit certain definite characteristics that describe something or someone to distinguish it from something else.

But you can't even give me those characteristics beyond "someone who thinks Japan is utopia and is obsessed with Japan" etc. Which is just an opinion rather than a description of someone or something.

And even if you did give me one. That would just be your personal opinion. I've already told you what I think a "Weabo" would be. I can't understand why someone would listen to music when they can't understand the lyrics.. to me those people would be "Weabos" if I was going to be contemptuous towards them.

I would agree with you if there was an accepted description. But there just isn't. As I said before.. trying to define the word Weabo is like trying to define the word nigger.

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by KyokoUK (Post 837544)
So...are all the Japanese who love American country music, wear western cowboy hats, or are big baseball fans or love American or English fashions...are they weeaboos too? Just wondering if this sword cuts both ways. And as a Japanese girl born and raised English and totally interested in learning everything I can about Japan from anime to ancient classic dance...does that mean I'm a weeaboo too? (yes, a little sarcistic but not in a mean way)

Nah.. It's basically a one way thing.

And you are Japanese so it doesn't count for you either.

Someone said earlier that it was racist.. I sort of agree.

NanteNa 11-14-2010 10:21 PM

I think 'weaboo' only goes for the ones who actually believe that they will BECOME Japanese or that they ARE Japanese.. That they can become part of the Japanese country by reading manga, saying 'kawaii', wearing lolita outfits, listening to VK music etc. There's a huge gap between enjoying Japanese culture, inventions etc. and actually being a creepy-ass weaboo.


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837588)
I've already told you what I think a "Weabo" would be. I can't understand why someone would listen to music when they can't understand the lyrics.. to me those people would be "Weabos" if I was going to be contemptuous towards them.

LOL. According to that statement, I'd be a weaboo for liking Miyavi's music? Even for liking Korean music? Hahahaha.. that's pretty hilarious

RickOShay 11-14-2010 10:30 PM

Ronin>Despite the point you are trying to make about their being no official definition of the word, I think it could be said their is a majority understanding of what is considered to be a weeaboo. Generally an unhealthy/ridiculous/silly-immature/delusional obsession with Japan. There is a difference and I do not think it is too hard to draw the line. I mean, how hard it is it really to distinguish as sports car, or a sedan or whatever from all other cars? Or are they all just cars to you?

Ronin4hire 11-14-2010 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 837616)
LOL. According to that statement, I'd be a weaboo for liking Miyavi's music? Even for liking Korean music? Hahahaha.. that's pretty hilarious

That's what I mean. If I was contemptuous towards such people (which I'm not)

I would call you a Weabo and know a lot of my Japanese classmates who do call such people Weabos.

While many of them are my friends.. I will admit that there is a bit of snobbery about those of us that can speak Japanese towards those of you who don't really understand much beyond a few phrases yet claim to love Japan.

NanteNa 11-15-2010 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837652)
That's what I mean. If I was contemptuous towards such people (which I'm not)

I would call you a Weabo and know a lot of my Japanese classmates who do call such people Weabos.

While many of them are my friends.. I will admit that there is a bit of snobbery about those of us that can speak Japanese towards those of you who don't really understand much beyond a few phrases yet claim to love Japan.

LOL. I don't love Japan. But thanks for categorizing me with scary people.

If I was contemptuous towards such people (which I'm not) - I'd say people who are TRUE weaboos, are the ones taking classes to learn Japanese, because they think it'll make them look cooler, compared to people who don't speak Japanese, but who are simply enjoying the snobbery-free pleasure called music.

Ronin4hire 11-15-2010 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by RickOShay (Post 837619)
Ronin>Despite the point you are trying to make about their being no official definition of the word, I think it could be said their is a majority understanding of what is considered to be a weeaboo. Generally an unhealthy/ridiculous/silly-immature/delusional obsession with Japan. There is a difference and I do not think it is too hard to draw the line. I mean, how hard it is it really to distinguish as sports car, or a sedan or whatever from all other cars? Or are they all just cars to you?

I can define a Sedan by it's characteristics.

You are defining Weabos via your opinion.

What is unhealthy? What is ridiculuous? What is silly-immature? What is a delusional obsession?

For cars.. Well here is the difference between a sedan, a hatchback and a station wagon for a start

Ronin4hire 11-15-2010 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 837656)

If I was contemptuous towards such people (which I'm not) - I'd say people who are TRUE weaboos, are the ones taking classes to learn Japanese, because they think it'll make them look cooler, compared to people who don't speak Japanese, but who are simply enjoying the snobbery-free pleasure called music.

Well then you've proved my point as Weabo's to you are completely different things

You can't define what a weabo is beyond your own opinion.

Koir 11-15-2010 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837658)
Well then you've proved my point as Weabo's to you are completely different things

You can't define what a weabo is beyond your own opinion.

And you can't either. Trouble is, you're determinig yourself that everyone here falls under your opinion of something that a vast amount of them aren't and won't be. In short, you're trolling. Is life that boring for you now?

Give it a rest.

Ronin4hire 11-15-2010 12:26 AM

Accidental double post

Ronin4hire 11-15-2010 12:26 AM


And you can't either. Trouble is, you're determinig yourself that everyone here falls under your opinion of something that a vast amount of them aren't and won't be. In short, you're trolling. Is life that boring for you now?

Give it a rest.
No sh*t that I can't.

If you actually read the thread you'd learn that my position is that a Weabo is just a slur and has no real definition.

And who's the troll? You came into this thread... read one post (either that or you have reading comprehension difficulties) and then tried to have a go at me.

I on the other hand went out of my way to say that I'm not really that offended by people like you or Nantena. But I know people who are... and to those people... you guys are the weabos.

Koir 11-15-2010 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837666)
No sh*t that I can't.

If you actually read the thread you'd learn that my position is that a Weabo is just a slur and has no real definition.

And who's the troll? You came into this thread... read one post (either that or you have reading comprehension difficulties) and then tried to have a go at me.


I've read this entire thread and all I've seen of your contribution is 'LOL UR ALL WEEABOOS IMA WEEBOO TOO WEEBOOOS WHEEEE!" followed by your usual "deny all logic to the contrary while steering the conversation to topics you and only you are correct in, not anyone else" routine.

I'm greatly amused how someone asked if you feel butthurt for some reason long before I mistakenly enter this thread in an effort to stop the insanity.

NanteNa 11-15-2010 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin4hire (Post 837658)
Well then you've proved my point as Weabo's to you are completely different things

You can't define what a weabo is beyond your own opinion.

I never said that ''A weaboo is''. I stated what a weaboo is IN MY OPINION. I'm not trying to define anything.. at all.

Don't put words in my mouth like that. Seems to me like you're trying to be a know-it-all here. It's rather strange..

Koir 11-15-2010 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 837668)
I never said that ''A weaboo is''. I stated what a weaboo is IN MY OPINION. I'm not trying to define anything.. at all.

Don't put words in my mouth like that. Seems to me like you're trying to be a know-it-all here. It's rather strange..

It's his routine. Successful troll is successful and all that.

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