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Sashimister 10-13-2010 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by delacroix01 (Post 832693)
After a retry, I got a better result on 17. I don't know if I got the correct Kanji, but I guess I got the gist. It'll be great if anyone can take time to help with this and the rest, which still seems impossible for me to hear clearly. I have the English subtitles, but it doesn't seem to be much of help to me, as they localized quite a lot instead of being literal.

A : ATXチームが敵陣中央を突破。敵艦の直営に接摘しま す。
B : ふむ...コスト度外視の試作機にしては時間が掛かりすぎ る。所詮L5戦役の勝利も幸運に過ぎなかったか?
C : 艦長!ラングレー基地より入電、ケネス・ゲレット司令 です。

If you can do this, you are already as good as or even better than a native speaker. You don't need my help, period.

By the way what does 直営に接摘しま す mean? In my past experience with you, you always told me you only had a small dictionary. How did you find 接摘, which is a technical term most Japanese, myself included, wouldn't even know?

delacroix01 10-13-2010 11:25 AM

Actually I just got a little bit lucky after my 11th attempt to listen to the audio. I made a guess based on the English translation I read and got the words by chance. I know my level. It's far from being fully able to listen well, and the 18th file proved that <_< Regarding the word 接摘, I just happened to see it on a certain Japanese blog while googling for information related to the show. Perhaps I were able to guess that much because the anime is adapted from my favorite game, which I got to know even before I know Japanese. But still, the script is totally different, so it's still very difficult for me to catch every word, unlike with some anime adaptations from novels or manga.

Anyway, I've been owing you a lot, and I know how tiresome it must be for you to answer so many questions a day. It's still fine if you don't want to waste your time for my request, since I'm well awared that doing this is very tiring. I'll try asking someone else, although I'm sure they won't be able to provide help with awesome accuracy as yours. Thank you :)

Sashimister 10-16-2010 03:02 PM

File 15
A : 上出来だ、大統領。
B : 人形使いにお誉め頂き、光栄だね。
A : 演説の内容に不満があるよだな。
B : 民主的な手続きにのっとって作成された言行だ。公人と しては、異論などある訳がない。
A : 私人としてはどうなのだ?
B : 軍備増強は必要だとしても、異星人との会話の道を諦め るつもりはない。まどぐちは探し続けるよ。

あるよだな > あるようだな
言行 > 原稿

File 16
EOT______、極端な機体______だけで、異星人と_______ってな.. .ああ?

Can't hear the first one.

File 18
A : 辺境の掃討戦にしては手こずっているよだな、李林順中 佐。
B : 残党とはいえ、DCの部隊です。機動兵器をそうとうそう うしており、慎重な____が必要です。
A : それで貴様は_____の見物か?スペースノア級万能戦闘母 おかざりかい?
B : 本艦の______した打撃戦闘力は...________敵基幹戦力への投 によって最大限にはきされる物と考えております。
A : 大した物だ。士官が__________という物は。だが、_____はい い。シロガネ投入したの結果を出して見せれば、わしの _________と言っているのだ。
B : 戦局は予想通りに対しています。最大限の戦果をお約束 できます。
A : まあいい。貴様には新たな___________
B : 戦闘中にですか?
A : イスルギ重工からたっての願いってな。こちらとしても 、面軍____ように______作っておくのは悪くない。
C : 艦長!機密ファイル受信しました。
A : 艦長権___で開封をその指示に従え。以上だ。

そうとうそういうしており > 相当数有しており
はきされる > 発揮される
見せれば、わしの_________ > 見せねばワシの面子が潰 れる
対しています > 推移しています
願いってな > 願いでな
面軍____ように______ > 大手軍事産業に貸しを
開封を > 開封後

File 19
A : 右翼な敵が接近してきます!
B : 左翼な_____も嫌な感じね。隊長さん、どうするの?
C : 多いが陥穽する前に、手薄な所を喰い破るぞ。
B : 結局は前身あるのみって事ね?
C : ああ!時間は掛けられん。
B : ムードがない話よね。まあ、母艦を逃がす訳にも行かな いし。

右翼な > 右翼の
多いが陥穽する > 包囲が完成する
行かない > いかない

File 20
A : 行けませんね。目的地へ辿り着く前にこんなに戦力を減 らされてしまっては。
B : アーチボルド少佐、ガリオンが残っています。敵強襲部 隊に側面から打撃を_____ては。

行けません > いけません
ガリオン > ガーリオン

File 21
A : お前の目的は...家族の敵討ちのはずだ。
B : 何言ってんの?今時そんなの_____ないよ。


File 22

事情は > 地上は

File 23

か > が
No question mark here. This is one sentence.

File 24
A : アンノーン隻二時方向よりまっすぐ。
B : 種別は?
A : 外と_____。特機体ついてされます。
B : 両面忌避運動、急げ!

アンノーン隻 > アンノウン接近
両面回避運動 (not sure about this)

File 25
A : 戻れるか?
B : ちょっと手一杯なのだね。_____艦長ちゃんによろしく。

なのだね  >  なのでね
人間艦長 < This is what I'm hearing. Would make sense only if this girl is a cyborg.

File 26


File 27
A : ユウ、何今の?
B : わからん。警戒を____な。


File 28


delacroix01 10-17-2010 03:19 PM

This is a great gift for me today. Thank you so much. :happypika: The result I got on my last attempt was still not half as correct as yours. :p


Originally Posted by "Sashimister" (Post 833230)
Can't hear the first one.

Well, in an official English translation, they translated the line as "They've altered the entire course of the fight with just three units." Would 先刻 be a possible word for the blank?


人間艦長 < This is what I'm hearing. Would make sense only if this girl is a cyborg.
It makes no sense then. The girl is a human, not a cyborg or an android. One thing unusual about her is that she loves to do pranks, while the captain is an overly serious, arrogant guy and he usually scolds his subordinates, including her. The word sounds like いんげん to me, but the only word I can find in my dictionary with that reading is 隠元, and it means "beans", which doesn't seem right either. Do you have any idea about the possible word here?

Also, I haven't seen the phrase 期を見て anywhere else before. Could you please tell me its meaning?

And finally, just to make sure, does まどぐち mean "contact person" in the line まどぐちは探し続けるよ? There are two definitions in my dictionary, and only this one seems to make sense. But then again, it's better to ask when I'm not sure about it.

Sashimister 10-17-2010 04:07 PM

I don't really feel like listening to the audio again because I've already done so about 20-30 times for the parts that I have difficultyy hearing with.

I'll try some other ways. Can you tell me the exact volume number or episode number? This is called スーパーロボット大戦OG? Is this in manga as well?

delacroix01 10-17-2010 04:20 PM

Well, it seems that those parts are anime original content. It's on the second half of episode 1. The show is Crunchyroll'ed, so it got leaked on a lot of streaming sites and is quite easy to find. The full name is スーパーロボット大戦OG -ジ・インスペクター-, in case you need it.

Sashimister 10-17-2010 04:23 PM

OK. I forgot to ask about another thing. Where are the "official translations" you speak of?

delacroix01 10-17-2010 04:26 PM

Ah, that's the subs from Crunchyroll. It seems they have the original scripts for every show they have on their website, so usually I don't notice any errors in their translations, but figuring out the script via audio is another problem that can't be done with just the translation. I even re-opened the game, but it only helps just a little as the anime script is technically different.

Sashimister 10-18-2010 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by delacroix01 (Post 833340)
Well, in an official English translation, they translated the line as "They've altered the entire course of the fight with just three units." Would 先刻 be a possible word for the blank?

No, it wouldn't. Regardless of the accuracy of the tanslation, one just wouldn't say あっという間に先刻.

I've listened to this part over 40 times and I still have no idea what's being said. I will have to withdraw now.


It makes no sense then. The girl is a human, not a cyborg or an android. One thing unusual about her is that she loves to do pranks, while the captain is an overly serious, arrogant guy and he usually scolds his subordinates, including her. The word sounds like いんげん to me, but the only word I can find in my dictionary with that reading is 隠元, and it means "beans", which doesn't seem right either. Do you have any idea about the possible word here?
いんげん艦長? If that's what's being said, I wouldn't know what it meant at all.

I have let a total of about 6 other native speakers listen and/or watch this video but no luck. Of course not! If I don't know what's said after hearing it dozens of times, it would be unnatural if someoen else can know.


Also, I haven't seen the phrase 期を見て anywhere else before. Could you please tell me its meaning?
It means "to watch for a chance or good timing (to do something)".


And finally, just to make sure, does まどぐち mean "contact person" in the line まどぐちは探し続けるよ? There are two definitions in my dictionary, and only this one seems to make sense. But then again, it's better to ask when I'm not sure about it.
It's a window on a counter in places like banks, post offices, ticket booths, etc. through which you transact with a clerk. It can also mean a contact person. Figuratively, a "business opportunity".

delacroix01 10-20-2010 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sashimister
No, it wouldn't. Regardless of the accuracy of the tanslation, one just wouldn't say あっという間に先刻.

I've listened to this part over 40 times and I still have no idea what's being said. I will have to withdraw now.

I see. Well, since it's not much of an important detail, I guess I can just skip it.


いんげん艦長? If that's what's being said, I wouldn't know what it meant at all.

I have let a total of about 6 other native speakers listen and/or watch this video but no luck. Of course not! If I don't know what's said after hearing it dozens of times, it would be unnatural if someoen else can know.
So this mean it's something that can't be figured out just by listening. I guess I'll have to replay the game thoroughly to see if this word ever appears in the game.

Anyways, I really appreciate your help, as always. I think I have corrected quite a number of my mistakes using this method. I'll be back with some questions on the next episode when my class assignment is over. Hopefully I will be able to reduce the number of questions on next time. :)

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