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(#31 (permalink))
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delacroix01 (Offline)
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10-24-2010, 12:14 PM

This is what I couldn't hear clearly or not very sure on nearly half of episode 2 (nearly 40 lines among 130 lines of the first part). I guess it's easier than episode 1, but still quite hard for me, so I need some help again, if someone doesn't mind. Some sentences are quite technical, so I'm posting the English translation from Crunchyroll as well.

Audio : zSHARE - SRWOG ep 2.aac

Note : - ASRS is the name of a cloaking device for airships and mechs in the game.
- Lamia, the girl with weird speeches, is a cyborg with a bug in her speech device.
1:58 敵___機なのか? 2:10 こちらは連邦軍・北米方面軍・シロガネ所属、キョウスケ・ナンブ中尉だ。 2:16 そちらの所属と完成名を名乗れ! 2:20 アサルト1、来援した友軍機と連係して、敵対戦力を____しろ! Assault 01, rendezvous with the reinforcement and destroy the remaining enemy ranks. 2:36 友軍特機、依然呼び掛けに応答せず 2:48 ASRS_____ 直ちに撤退を Activate your ASRS and withdraw immediately. 2:58 目的地は貴官だけで向かわれたし 3:10 ____のEAです High-output EA detected. 3:12 戦役内の索敵不能 3:15 使用できません 3:53 見れば見るほど趣味的な機体ね~ 3:59 ライバル____が燃え上がるわ、愛の堕天使じゃ、私的には。 As the fallen angel of love, I feel I've met a real rival! 4:12 いやいや!あの_____乗ってるのがぶっさいおっさんだったら、余り事思えない No way. There's no way that thing's pilot would be a grouchy old man. 4:44 SMSCアンジュルグは次期___量産機のトライアルに呈出する予定でして、情報漏洩を最小限に押えたかったのです。 The SMSC Angelg will be part of the trials for the new next-generation main unit. 4:54 民間の、しかもDC戦争に加担した緊要の____が優先されるとはな。 I can't believe a civilian company's wishes took priority, especially those of a company that sided with DC during the war. 5:00 ケネス・ゲレット少将を通じて正式に依頼が言ってるはずですが... It was an official request made through Rear Admiral Kenneth Garret. 5:06 アンジュルグの機密____と機体の安全は保証できんぞ。 I cannot assure you of the safety of either the Angelg or its secrets. 5:09 それは重々承知しております。 5:12 どうやらお膳立てだとはできているようだな 5:16 偶発的な接触だったが、効もうまく彼に出会えるとは... It was a chance encounter, but I never expected to get close to him this easily. 5:21 では、何卒よろしくお願いします 5:26 本艦内での貴様行動には制限が絶えられん、知り得た情報には秘匿任務がかせられる Your activities on board this ship will be restricted, and you have a duty to keep any information you learn confidential. 5:52 DC残党の追撃にも続行する 6:03 ところで、援軍のドリルス機はそちらの新商品なのですか? 6:08 そんな事より、依頼をきちんと果して下さいましね More importantly, be sure to do your job. 6:12 こちらもそれなりの犠牲を払うのですから。 We'll be sacrificing a good deal in this operation. 6:16 お宝が実在すると判明したとさ、発掘ではなく強奪ですか? So the minute you're certain the treasure actually exists, you switch from excavation to outright theft, huh? 6:24 あら、私は、自社の利益をついきゅうしてるだけですわ。 Oh, my. I'm merely looking out for my company's best interests. 6:28 貴方方の手中にあった方が解析というがしやすいですし It'll be easier to analyze and use if it's in your hands. 6:32 まあ、尽力しますよ。 6:34 私もあれとは多少______がありますからね。 I have my own dealings with it, after all. 6:55 ねねね、それって、方言? 6:59 日本のイスルギ重工本社からでありんす 7:14 俺はキョウスケ・ナンブ中尉、ATXチーム隊長を勤めてやる 7:23 おっと、ブリット君にはカワイイ彼女がいるから、誘惑はダメよ~ 8:14 おかしな上下関係を作るな。

Last edited by delacroix01 : 10-24-2010 at 12:18 PM.
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(#32 (permalink))
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delacroix01 (Offline)
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04-12-2011, 02:50 PM

There's a few lines in an anime episode that I'm not very sure if I listened and translated correctly, so if anybody is free, please help me correct my mistakes if you see any. Thanks in advance

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 1
00:15 : 汚いんで触らないでくれよ
You're dirty, so don't touch it.
00:22 : 何で言う事を聞かないんだ、コリーナ?
Why can't you listen to me, Colina?

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 2
00:09 : 2時すぎよ
It's past 2 o'clock.
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(#33 (permalink))
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04-12-2011, 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
There's a few lines in an anime episode that I'm not very sure if I listened and translated correctly, so if anybody is free, please help me correct my mistakes if you see any. Thanks in advance

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 1
00:15 : 汚いんで触らないでくれよ
You're dirty, so don't touch it.
00:22 : 何で言う事を聞かないんだ、コリーナ?
Why can't you listen to me, Colina?

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 2
00:09 : 2時すぎよ
It's past 2 o'clock.
汚いんで触らないでくれよ > 汚い手で触らないでく れよ

The rest is good.

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(#34 (permalink))
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04-12-2011, 03:13 PM

Thanks again as always, masaegu
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(#35 (permalink))
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delacroix01 (Offline)
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04-14-2011, 12:14 PM

Now to the continuation of the same episode. This time there are some sentences that I couldn't get all words after 10th attempt. As usual, any help is appreciated

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 3
00:16 : 父さんが帰って来た時も楽しみだよ
He's also looking forward to dad's return.

01:24 : そんなに長い___父さん____に行ってたのか?
So your father has been away for so long?

01:39 : 強がるなよ
Don't make bluff.

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 4
00:06 : ここからバスを5回くらい乗り継いで___つくって
We need to change the bus five times to reach it from here.

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 5
00:16 : 父さんが___
The word sounds like もと to me, but I'm not sure if I heard it correctly.

00:18 : これ、修理工場で使う道具でしょ?
These are the tools you will be using at the repair shop, aren't they?

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 6
I want to open the repair shop as soon as possible. (Well, I'm not sure if I interpreted the phrase 一日も早く correctly, since I haven't learned it yet)

I'm going to do my best.
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(#36 (permalink))
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04-14-2011, 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Now to the continuation of the same episode. This time there are some sentences that I couldn't get all words after 10th attempt. As usual, any help is appreciated

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 3
00:16 : 父さんが帰って来た時も楽しみだよ
He's also looking forward to dad's return.

01:24 : そんなに長い___父さん____に行ってたのか?
So your father has been away for so long?

01:39 : 強がるなよ
Don't make bluff.

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 4
00:06 : ここからバスを5回くらい乗り継いで___つくって
We need to change the bus five times to reach it from here.

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 5
00:16 : 父さんが___
The word sounds like もと to me, but I'm not sure if I heard it correctly.

00:18 : これ、修理工場で使う道具でしょ?
These are the tools you will be using at the repair shop, aren't they?

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 6
I want to open the repair shop as soon as possible. (Well, I'm not sure if I interpreted the phrase 一日も早く correctly, since I haven't learned it yet)

I'm going to do my best.

父さんが帰って来た時も楽しみだよ > 父さんが帰っ て来た時のお楽しみだよ。
Your TL must be changed as well. You do it first and I will check it.

そんなに長い___父さん____に行ってたのか? > そん に長いこと父さん出稼ぎに行ってたのか。
TL must be changed.

ここからバスを5回くらい乗り継いで___つくって >  こからバスを5回くらい乗り継いでやっと着くって

父さんが___ > 父さんが持とう

I want to open~~~ > I will open~~

The rest is good. Nice job!

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(#37 (permalink))
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delacroix01 (Offline)
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04-15-2011, 12:15 PM

Many thanks again for the corrections, masaegu I'm giving another shot.

He's just being excited of when dad will return. (To be honest, I'm still in doubt about my translation for this line)

So your father was working away from home for so long?

I want to open~~~ > I will open~~
Oops, basic level mistake. I should've been more careful with this.
As for today, I have another part, for which I need some advices and corrections.

YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 7

00:02 じゃあここからここら辺まで修理するどこにしようよ
Then let's do the repair somewhere around here.

00:11 父さんと母さんの二人でやってくんだよぞ
Me and mom will be working by ourselves, you know?

00:16 お前の______なら分かってるけどなあ
I understand your intention of helping, but still...

00:18 勉強もしろって言うんだろ?
You are going to say that I should study too, aren't you?

00:25 ここら辺を入口にして、待ってる間、お客さんが休める 場所を造ろう
Let's build the entrance somewhere around here, and build a place where customers can rest while waiting.

00:33 だったら、母さんのチーズパイ出そうよ
Then let's sell mom's cheese pies as well!

1:09 お前、ちょっとの間にすっかり妹___の兄さんらしくなっ たなあ
It looks like after a while, you have become quite a considerate brother for your sister.
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(#38 (permalink))
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04-15-2011, 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
He's just being excited of when dad will return. (To be honest, I'm still in doubt about my translation for this line)
This phrase is actually very difficult to translate. A good translation emphasizing its nuance rather than the words used would be:

"We will keep it a surprise for when Daddy comes home."

So your father was working away from home for so long?
Correct. Not just away from home but so far away from home that commuting is impossible.

As for today, I have another part, for which I need some advices and corrections.
YouTube - Porfy 03 cut 7
00:02 じゃあここからここら辺まで修理するどこにしようよ
Then let's do the repair somewhere around here.
「じゃーあ、こっからここら辺まで修理するとこにしよ うよ。」  とこ, not どこ.

00:11 父さんと母さんの二人でやってくんだよぞ
Me and mom will be working by ourselves, you know?

00:16 お前の______なら分かってるけどなあ
I understand your intention of helping, but still...

00:18 勉強もしろって言うんだろ?
You are going to say that I should study too, aren't you?

00:25 ここら辺を入口にして、待ってる間、お客さんが休める 場所を造ろう
Let's build the entrance somewhere around here, and build a place where customers can rest while waiting.

00:33 だったら、母さんのチーズパイ出そうよ
Then let's sell mom's cheese pies as well!

1:09 お前、ちょっとの間にすっかり妹___の兄さんらしくなっ たなあ
It looks like after a while, you have become quite a considerate brother for your sister.

It will be nice to learn words like 妹思い、お父さん思い、親思い, etc.

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(#39 (permalink))
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delacroix01 (Offline)
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04-16-2011, 03:52 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
This phrase is actually very difficult to translate. A good translation emphasizing its nuance rather than the words used would be:

"We will keep it a surprise for when Daddy comes home."
Thanks again for the suggestion. Now I finally understand what this line actually means.

「じゃーあ、こっからここら辺まで修理するとこにしよ うよ。」
Um, is こっから a more colloquial form of ここから? If so, can I translate the line as "Then let's set up the spot for repairing somewhere around here."?

So this means I must re-translate it.
I know you are skilled at these things.

It will be nice to learn words like 妹思い、お父さん思い、親思い, etc.
Wow, it's nice to know these words. It seems they may come in handy for me in the future.
Now to the last part of the episode :

YouTube - cut8

Mina's 11th birthday has come.

Her father rents an automobile of the village headman for her sake.

The four of the family cross the mountains and depart for a picnic.


It is as if he has completely forgotten about Mina's birthday.

Will he be able to congratulate her properly?
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(#40 (permalink))
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04-16-2011, 05:02 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Um, is こっから a more colloquial form of ここから? If so, can I translate the line as "Then let's set up the spot for repairing somewhere around here."?
Yeah, It's colloquial.

"from here to around here"

Now to the last part of the episode :
YouTube - cut8

Mina's 11th birthday has come.
Correct. But I do hear ミーナ rather than ミナ.

Her father rents an automobile of the village headman for her sake.

The four of the family cross the mountains and depart for a picnic.

It is as if he has completely forgotten about Mina's birthday.

Will he be able to congratulate her properly?

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