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(#29 (permalink))
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GhostBlade (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 124
Join Date: May 2007
05-25-2007, 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by Xlll View Post
Yeah, that came out wrong. But yeah, you answered my question anyways, thanks. Criminal major, can't say exactly that its relevant to being an ALT or joining the JET program, but oh well. Anything works these days.
Criminal Justice major, yeah. I chose this major because it's interesting to me. The only other major that interested me was Psychology. I don't think it even matters what major you choose since many times people get jobs in fields that have nothing to do with their major. You don't need to major in English, Japanese or whatever else to be an ALT. All you need to have is a bachelor's degree in any field and be a native English speaker. That's all. Did you really think you needed to major in English or Japanese to work as an ALT in Japan?
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