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(#417 (permalink))
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ButterflyDemise (Offline)
Posts: 344
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: USA
06-29-2007, 02:19 PM

Hello, I'm Joy, 18, and I'm leaving for Japan in a few days... in all honesty, I don't want to return home after being there. I'm going to be living with my other half and want to attept to get a VISA. Is there anyway I can just stay more than 3 months? Maybe apply for a VISA or a working VISA and hopefully get approved before the 3 month period is over?

I'm sorry if that sounds retarded to ask, because everyone knows it takes a while to be approved for a VISA and you need some college degree(?) to get approved... I just want to know if it's at all possible. Thank you for your time ^^;;

"Even if a leapord sleeps at the end of your bed like a kitten, it still has the power to tear out your throat."
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