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08-14-2007, 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I think it`s really going to depend more upon your surroundings than anything else. In some circles no one would even notice, yet in others it would be totally unacceptable.
Universities are generally quite lax - they don`t have uniforms or dress codes. I doubt that they`ll tell you not to wear them. However, there is a fair chance that they wouldn`t give a good impression to a lot of people.
You may see a lot of young people with piercings, but you pretty much never see serious adults with them. I think there is a lot stigma attached, and chances are you will be looked at as not being a serious student.
It`s not that they`re rare, but rather the crowd with piercings usually isn`t the type of crowd you`d want to be associated with.

I mean, even for girls, clip-on earrings are still more popular than actual ear piercings.
Based on what you've said, it seems like I'll face about the same amount of hostility I encounter here in the US, even in a city as liberal as Atlanta. While I'm at work, I engage in light conversation with just about everyone that comes into the store, and most people over the age of 40 tend to assume that I have either dropped out or that I'm not continuing my education beyond high school. The bold ones ask nosy and accusatory questions such as, "So, you're workin' full time this fall, huh?", and seem very surprised when I say that I'm going to college full time and will hardly be working. The attitude from younger people is much different, obviously, they could care less.

In any case, I'm debating if I should just take out my piercings before I go to Japan in my junior year. I'm definitely taking them out when I graduate.

Housetek: I'm going to take them out either when I graduate or when I go to Japan. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I should wear the piercing to Japan, examine how people react, and then decide if I would have a better experience by taking it out. Seems like the best thing to do, I guess. Oh, and good luck with your Masters!

Last edited by ScreamingAtAWall : 08-14-2007 at 05:35 AM.
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