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kainpendragon (Offline)
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10-25-2006, 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by ivory_byrd View Post
That was beautiful btw i have to agree. There is a lot of truth. i watched the urban legends movie as a first date movie and there was sex in it... i think they are trying to bring out the human instincts of killing and sexual intercourse... and from what i have read and watched are the two strongest human instincts. But thats in america... in japan its more or less the fight or flight... where you have to either run to save your life or fight whatever is after you, and thats the true meaning of fear/horror.. to me that is... unless you take the american course. thats prolly why we have so many serial killers out there... well not why but it sure reminds you of it. But we really dont know why the media puts out what it puts out
Some people say that those are not instincts on there own but they are part of a bigger instinct that witch is survial =). Some people also say that there only only 2 instinct all other sub instinct all go back to these Survial and Motherly/Parental instincts. they says because Parental instincts do the direct oppiste from the survial. they why it get classfied as a sperate instinct all other can all be pointed back to survial. =) then just became a deeper thread then just horror movies hehehe
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