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JF Ossan
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11-01-2007, 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by Xuande View Post
Ok, I know that something like benkyoushiteimasu means studying right now but when you add imasu to the end of certain te-form verbs it kind of changes how they are used. Its kind of hard to explain but I hope that explanation helps.
勉強している (べんきょうしている) means I (he/she/they) am studying.

勉強しています (べんきょうしています) means exactly the same thing, but it is a more polite form of the verb. If my friend called me up and asked what I was doing, I would use the first example. If my teacher called me up and asked me what I was doing, I would use the second. In this case it show politeness and formality, as do all ~ます verbs.
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